What information is needed for a support ticket


Processing problems users face need to be reproducible in order to identify a cause and offer a solution.  In order to do this, our support team needs:

  • A screenshot of the audit-history detail page (requires auditing)

  • An export of the original Email

  • An export of your JEMH Profile

  • Log files

Screenshot of Audit History detail page

When auditing is enabled (JEMH > Auditing), details about the email processing are stored in reports. A screenshot of a report will help us diagnose the problem.


If you receive a forwarded email from JEMH, and it refers to an ID, that can be used in the following URL (with https and updated server name/context-path and ID (bolded) as appropriate).

  • http://server/secure/admin/jemh/JEMHAuditing!viewDetail.jspa?id=1122&customEditType=view-details

Initially you'll get the following, its normal, just hit Retry Operation

This will look look like:

Exporting Test Case Emails

In order to reproduce the problem you see, a vendor neutral TEXT email format of the email is required, proprietary formats such as an Outlook .msg file cannot be used, see below for steps to obtain these (requires auditing enabled).


If you receive a forwarded email from JEMH, and it refers to an ID, that can be used in the following URL (with https, updated server name/ context-path and ID (bolded) as appropriate).

  • http://yourserver/secure/admin/jemh/JEMHAuditing!downloadMail.jspa?id=1122&getOriginal=on

On first submission you'll see the following, its normal, just hit Retry Operation

Then You'll get the content:

MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 18 Jun 2011 22:42:26 -0700 (PDT) Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 17:42:26 +1200 Message-ID: <BANLkTinB1mfSh+GwOXGNWoL4SyDvOpdBoQ@mail.gmail.com> Subject: noisue From: "Andy Brook" <andy@localhost> To: notest@localhost Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 some text

Exporting Profiles

JEMH Profiles can be exported to XML format. This is very useful for problem troubleshooting, but also good as a means of backing up configuration of JEMH.

Click the Profiles tab:

By hovering the cursor over a profile, you can see several operation icons. The export icon is the blue tray icon with an arrow:

You will now be asked by your web browser to save the XML file.

The resulting contents of the file will look similar to this format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Profile> <Configuration> <CCHandling>toWatcher,toCustomField</CCHandling> <CCHandlingNonJiraUsersCF>Email Users</CCHandlingNonJiraUsersCF>   ...

Log files

Jira logging creates the following log files in its JIRA_HOME/log folder, there are specific logs that can be provided:

  • atlassian-jira.log contains information about every event that occurs on your Jira. If you have a busy instance this file could be very large. Large files make it harder for us to pinpoint problems. See below for Dedicated JEMH logfile which is more specific.

  • atlassian-jira-incoming-mail.log : contains information specific to inbound mail handlers, this is OK if JEMH is largely the only mail handler used, if there are more, to ease understanding, see below for Dedicated JEMH log file. NOTE: This logfile is enabled through Jira Admin > System > Logging and Profiling.  There is also a debug option for protocol logging, useful for 'connectivity' issues.

  • jemh.log : This log file is the Dedicated JEMH logfile, and is the preferred log format. It isolates all JEMH logging in one place without core Jira activities, see Enabling JEMH logging.  A Jira restart is needed for the changes to take effect and this file to be generated.  If you use windows as a host for Jira, this logfile may not get generated, in which case, we'll have to work with whatever you have.

Creating a support ticket

Attaching both of these to a support ticket in:

Saves support asking for the above, delaying advice/resolutions.  When attaching Test Case emails and Profiles, be aware they contain information that will be publicly visible by default.  Feel free to set the Issue Security private between Developer/Reporter or Developer/Reporter and Interested Parties.

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