JEMH Version History

JEMH Version History

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Version History

Jira 4.x branch

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  • client certificate support?
  • write a JEMH configuration plugin to replace config file which is getting pretty big now, JEMH-48
  • pluginify the JEMH extension points
  • add issue key to directives enabling Jira(JEMH) to Jira(JEMH) communication of issue to be updated
  • compatibility with 'wysiwyg' renderers (JEMH-55)


Will be working toward Jira 4.1 compatibility, this release will not be backward compatible.

The last jira 4.0.x release

  • much enhanced mime encoded email body and attachment handling
  • anonymous email creation without adding to Jira license count, notify on create, without even being part of the target project, receive updates by adding the auto-join group to the project.



  • $ Enhance projectDefault.KEY.domainMatches to include multi-regexp matching on TO: CC: and BCC: addresses, (warning) field will be split into domainFromMatches and domainAddresseeMatches. Note that these defaults are secondary to 'email' driven selection via projectAutoAssign and related jemhAddresseeRegexps (in progress)
  • $ Enhance CC processing to include support for both toWatcher and toCustomField (done)
  • $ Add multi regexp-based catchEmail (done)

  • Sub-task support added through 'parentIssueKey' directive.
  • Extract nagios body content fields and inject into custom fields if present, CF existence checked at parse time so no hintOgram's get generated
  • improved alias matching (now case insensitive)
  • fixed erroneous hintOgram notifications occurring when the basic field processor is used (now the default when no directives found)
  • Added new directive defaultSummary

  • Nagios bugfixes

(warning) Oops, broken build, please update to

  • bugfix for JEMH-118 for subject and mailformng processors

  • bugfix for JEMH-111
  • bugfix JEMH-113 NPE in jira4 message bundle processing, believed now fixed
  • JEMH-116, adds more intelligence in processing to: and cc: fields when projectAutoAssign is used, now all to/cc: addressees are scanned for a regexp match for an expected addressee that is the JEMH to: address. This feature also enables more intelligent processing of cc: fields, and will ignore the jemh email addresses, stopping erroneous error notifications.


  • Currently tested and working for Jira v4.0
  • Due to API changes, this release will not be backwards compatible, nor will new features, unless sponsored
  • all source code packages have been moved to: com.javahollic.jira
  • provided updated install page: JEMH Installation for Jira 4.x
  • initial integration of Jira Instant Messenger Interface (JIMI) with JEMH that in time will provide integration between IM and JEMH to perform a variety of functions
  • added ability for directive aliasing, 0.9.2.x branch feature merge

Jira 3.x branch

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  • $$ add issue key to directives enabling Jira(JEMH) to Jira(JEMH) communication of issue to be updated, JEMH-95 and JEMH-126, this feature will be added to the 0.9.3 branch on completion
  • adds upper / lower case checks for project keys, Jira4.x has a case insensitive search
  • bugfix for JEMH-121 adding reporter auto-creation if configured, JEMH-130, JEMH-131, JEMH-132
  • implements issueKey directive: JEMH-95, JEMH-126

  • code clean up

  • $$ adds ability to not only route CC: to a MultiUser picker CF, but also non-Jira users email accts to another, eg text CF, stored as CSV, enabling access later in templates
  • bugfix JEMH-111 prevented users without EDIT issue privilege from commenting (were getting emails rejected)

  • bugfix, duplicate comment emails caused by a bug in new features

  • $$ added alias ability to provide customizable short-cuts to arbitrary directives and/or values
  • $$ added ability to treat any updates containing comments, as comments (for notification purposes) irrespective of files attached or directives used

  • $$ added new notifyOnEdit=false directive, enabling issues to be amended by email without generating events, as yet this is not restricted to any particular user

  • minor fixes, workflow step parsing improved
  • fixed defaultIssueType problem,
  • fixed assignNonJiraUsersOriginalEmailAddressToCustomField and added assignJiraUsersOriginalEmailAddressToCustomField, email senders will be CSV appended to nominated CF's, intended for processing by event listeners later in the chain for customisable notifications
  • when setting due date, if no dueDateFormat is given, the default format is now dd/MMM/YYYY
  • added JEMH version text to emails and Logs

  • fixed JEMH-94, JEMH-96, JEMH-101
  • stopped notifications of priority change and custom field value change when from/to values are the same
    JEMH-82, more fields to follow.
  • test issue types on creation/change for validity in the given project - JEMH-75

  • fixed JEMH-65, JEMH-66, JEMH-87, JEMH-89, JEMH-90, JEMH-91
  • Workflow support rewritten as part of JEMH-90, configuration can now specify default values for workflow transition fields, enabling minimum mandatory information for such transitions
  • Licensing change, switch to Apache2 - this should have no impact to anyone



  • fixed JEMH-60, JEMH-61, JEMH-63, JEMH-67, JEMH-68, JEMH-69, JEMH-72
  • fixed 'Standard' edition support, Pro should also work
  • added comment modification support for Priority
  • enabled service configuration override of configuration file values, assisting multi-JEMH service configs
  • do testing against Jira 3.9.3, identify and fix any 3.13.x specific problems, ready for a 4.x break

  • $$ Add reply-to processing for some fields (working on JEMH-17)
  • fixup notification for worklog entry (need to verify against security settings)
  • add quoted value support for Subject line directives, eg someKey="This is a value"
  • enable leading whitespace lines to be removed via config option: eg eatEmptyBodyLinesMax=2
  • improve custom field support, should enable all custom fields capable of generating a SingularObjectFromString
  • hint-o-gram now includes complete email body, headers, from/to address with associated jiraID
  • fix comment processing bug where assign: didn't get applied correctly (would also affect other comment processing changes)

  • fixed JEMH-56 regarding overzealous security checks for default values (eg need CREATE priv to set the defaultReporter)

  • cleaned up exception handling to minimise chances of an email that triggered an Exception, being marked as deleted. The option deleteEmail now specifically indicates what is done with messages that caused such a failure, ie, deleteEmail=false means leave it on the server (so it will be re-tried), deleteEmail=true means delete (should notify the forward email address
  • added comment processing directives (reporter, assignee, viewable)
  • re-added feature to use 'catchEmail' so that a shared mailbox would only retrieve mail if mathing the given address. This usage is mutually exclusive with projectAutoAssign
  • Workflow support completed. Can now trigger issue workflow steps by name (Resolve/Reopen/Close/Start Progress/Stop Progess), and also provide arguments to the workflow step eg resolution.
  • Worklogs, ability to create worklogs, with restricted visibility. Also enables visibility role/group defaults to be set to minimise data re-entry.

  • fix CC: custom field change notification email text, was 'deleted', now has before/after text included
  • fix subject of hint emails in plaintext that failed render in velocity due to $i18n not being able to take multi-args

  • add configurable support for cc: processing, cc: addresses can be used to identify users and result in them being added as Watchers, or being added to an existing custom field, for example a 'Carbon Copy' MultiUserCF type. See new directives ccHandling and ccHandlingTargetCustomFieldName.
  • ability to nominate a customField to have the original senders email address added in CSV fashion (via assignNonJiraUsersOriginalEmailAddressToCustomField) , enables further processing and notification to non-jira user accounts
  • minor config bugfix, the upper and lower limit fields were previously wrong, corrected keys are: emailFieldProcessorPriorityLowerLimit/emailFieldProcessorPriorityUpperLimit.

  • enable hint email subject to be configured via velocity, and via i18n message bundles
  • add hintID which maps to Permissions.xyz for lack of a given permission, or JEMH specific error codes, enabling localised hint 'description' override text to be provided if needed.

  • bugfix, not providing an exception in one use case, caused a NPE

  • bugfix, adding missing .vm templates for create notifications, correctly indicate when a mail has been rejected due to a causal hint marked as a rejection
  • ability to nominate a custom field for the source email address, essentially providing the data necessary for issue event notification for non-jira registered users.

  • Add new directive stripComments, allowing override of configured default, fixing JEMH-43
  • Added a fall back for dueDateFormat detection, so that users don't need to provide the dueDateFormat if the dueDate matches the system default (The application.properties field: jira.lf.date.dmy that defaults to dd/MMM/yy)
  • enable generation of issue created notification emails JEMH-48
  • Enable multi-line description support when posted via Confluence/MailFormNg forms (also @format supported) JEMH-49
  • Enable guaranteed notification of issue creation to any user via notifyUsersOnIssueCreation flag, values: none|nonjira|jira|all


  • $$ Feature - JEMH-45 Reduce non-system-level emails to 'forward' address. Any non-system exceptions or invalid fields found are collected, rendered in a velocity template, and sent by email back to the initiating user.
  • This revision also brings comment processing (and attachments) inside the JEMH framework. Future revs will start to complete the reply-to features...
  • Tested with Jira 3.9.3 and 3.13.3


  • new config field 'blacklistRecipients', enabling for example, replies to report emails from noreply-jira@yourco.net ending up as a created issue if a default project is set.
  • first line got lost with no directives present JEMH-40
  • added new Subject Line FieldProcessor, enabling all directives to be set in the subject, eg #project=jira #watchers=user1,user2 etc.
  • fixes JEMH-42 correctly parsing inbound email directives sent as HTML


  • CSV support revamped, now using same CSV parser as Jira, enables support for the more common case of a Spreadsheet export to CSV (Eg OpenOffice)
  • In addition to email body CSV support, for more complex issue creation, and to avoid email wrapping/formatting problems, a CSV attachment can also be used, see JEMH Mail Field Processors for details.


  • Fixes problematic auto-selection of correct processor (JEMH-38), fixed by comparing the number of directives found by each processor and using the highest
  • Fixes irregularities in HTML mail processing
  • Fixes user creation based on name/email/alternate lookups.


  • Backward compatibility fixes (JEMH-32)
  • Code tidies, reorganisation of Configuration data


  • $$ Feature: enable mail queue flushing to minimise any delays
  • $$ Feature: enable event-driven remote agents to 'poke' EMH to pull mail in ahead of scheduled time, making delivery into Jira, and generation of responses as fast as possible. A simple file based monitor is provided.
  • $$ Feature: Enable users to be created automatically if they are on an initial cc: , and to be subsequently automatically added as watchers on the created issue
  • $$ Feature: Enable auto-joined users to automatically be made a member of a nominated group
  • Bugs fixed in 0.8.5


  • CascadingSelectCF support, key = parentOptionText, childOptionText
  • JEMH-8,JEMH-12
  • JEMH-23 enables cc: addressees to be all automatically added as watchers, in addition to any watcher field directive


Features to help minimise email to sysadmins configured as 'forward' address in the POP/Imap server:
(warning) depends on LDAPUtils ver 1.0.15 or higher.

  • regexp Whitelist/Blacklisting of addresses/domains
  • regexp on subject filtering with conditional 'dropping' of some email, for example to filter 'Out of Office' mails, 'user deleted' delivery problems where System accounts have been deleted (but not in Jira - JRA-3774).
  • optional silent dropping of blacklist or 'bounce' emails.
  • new format supported @key = value, simplified field processor code requirements further, can now be implemented in one method.
  • ongoing fixes relating to 3.12.x compatibility
  • reworked HMTML parsing and strips multiple CRLF/CRLF, now uses MimeUtility and the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' mail header to decode content with a simple utf-7 compatible fallback


  • added Whitelist and Blacklist email address support for automatic reject/remove (this will auto forward to the forwarder in the mail service settings) via the autoFailSenders configuration field
  • Fixed JEMH-6 detect bounces from disabled recipients and silently drop so they dont get forwarded (allows interesting mails from postmast to pass through), note, this will likely only have an LDAP compatible implementation
  • Enable support for Jira 3.12.x (code around API differences in 3.12/3.13)


  • bugfix, fixes CSV detection and other possible NPEs


  • support logWorkDone to be set during automated creation, despite this usually being a postCreation task
  • enable at an external config file for ldap connection details before a UI screen gets written (configurable through ldaputil.properties)
  • example configuration file now included in the JAR, required for exact case key matching.
  • all default configuration file keys prefixed with 'default' to avoid confusion
  • adds Environment as a know field so it gets processed
  • expand Custom Field support expanded to also support MulitSelect types
  • structural changes bringing the 'default' Atlassian processor into the EMH framework and making all issue creation and population code common.
  • Processors need only be identified by their package, allowing the default set of processors to be switched out for an entirely different set if needed (or to add new processors)
  • Processors support prioritized execution
  • Attachments support added (not tested)
  • CSV inbound processor added (not tested)


  • all Jira fields support text names, not just numeric ID


  • Complete Jira attribute support with versions/fix versions


  • Issue Linking support


  • Custom Field Support, tested against JIRA Labels Plugin, single string values work ok, nothing more complex
  • message processing unit tests


  • HTML inbound message support (strips html, uses plain text content)
  • Configurable userId (assignee/reporter) case mangling (eg lowercase Id's so it works with Case sensitive databases like db2)
  • Watchers can be added
  • Due Date can be set
  • Work Estimate can be set


Working towards compatibility with 3.13


Basic functionality, tested on 3.12.3 standalone jira with localhost mail-client/pop-server/smtp-server, appears to work.

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