Project Mapping with Keyword Rules

Project Mapping with Keyword Rules


This Profile uses a Project Mapping with a keyword rule that will redirect the email if the subject contains the keyword that has been set.

Example Profile

This Profile will redirect the issue to Example_Project if the subject or body of the email contains the word “word” and if it does not then it will redirect to a different project.

To import a profile go to Configure JEMH > Profiles > Import Profile > Choose File and select the profile that you wish to import.

Example Test Case

This Test Case will be redirected to the Example_Project as the mapping is checking for “word” in the email subject.

MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 18 Jun 2011 22:42:26 -0700 (PDT) Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 17:42:26 +1200 Message-ID: <BANLkTinB1mfSh+GwOXGNWoL4SyDvOpdBoQ@mail.gmail.com> Subject: Using Keyword Rule to detect word From: "NotaUser" <notauser@sender.com> To: mailbox@localhost Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 This will redirect to Example_Project as the subject contains word.

Issue created by email

This is the issue that was created and this is created in the Example_Project.


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