Change the Content of a Template based on the Issues Project

Using Velocity Markup, the IssueEvent TemplateSets have access to $issue so the project will be accessible, this is how content for example projects APP and AG can be used, with a default.  

#if ($issue.project.key=="APP") project APP stuff #elseif ($issue.project.key=="AG") project AG stuff #else default stuff #end

For trivial content the above will work well, for larger more complex content, it may be more manageable to create a User Macro and call that instead:

User Macro
#macro ( exampleAPPContent ) Example APP content #end #macro ( exampleAGContent ) Example AG content #end #macro ( exampleDefaultContent ) Default Content #end


Example TemplateSet content based on Macro calls
#if ($issue.project.key=="APP") #exampleAPPContent() #elseif ($issue.project.key=="AG") #exampleAGContent() #else #exampleDefaultContent() #end


User Macros

The User Macro editor has integrated testing so you can invoke macros and see the result as you edit (see pen icon, right of User Macro box):

User Macro Editor

More details on Velocity at: