Forward notifications

In this article, we’re going to show how to customize forward notifications on comment failure by adding some custom fields values from the issue.


In order to add the custom fields values from the issue to the forward notifications, you have to create a Preview Context where you will be able to extract custom data. How to create a Preview Context, please review the following documentation .

Once you will have created Preview Context, you will need to create a custom Forward notification template.

  1. Go to Notifications > Template Sets > + Create


  2. Select the theme, e.g. JIRA (System) as your source of templates and select the Template Sets Type required


  3. Submit. Then edit created custom forward notification template by pressing the pencil icon. In the edit page view, e.g. in the HTML section, you can access the custom fields values from the issue by applying the following code:


for more examples on how to work with the Webhook data please review the following examples Working with simple values.

Select custom template

Once the template has been configured, you have to select it under Profiles > Project Mappings > Templates > Message Process Error Template Set:

Outcome of created Forward notification Template

In the scenario when the Jira user (who does not have COMMENT_ISSUE and BROWSE permission) will try to comment on the issue it will happen the Error Processing and the Forward Notification will be sent to the corresponding users with the values from the Issue

Forward Notification:

Values from the issue: