Messaging (legacy documentation)

Messaging (legacy documentation)

Create an inbound Mail Server Message Source

Navigate to the Messages tab and click Create from the Message Sources vertical navigation:

Fill in the blanks, for example:

After saving, there is a ping Action  to check connectivity and check for messages:

Create an outbound Mail Server

Navigate to the Messages tab and click Create from the Message Outbound vertical navigation:

Fill in the blanks:

NOTE: there is an option to Disable outbound mail here, default is enabled.

Again, there is a ping Action  to validate connectivity, sending a test message to the Test address entered above:

Create a JEMHCloud Mail Handler

 Setting up a Mail Handler requires a Profile to be created first, the following will be shown otherwise:

Navigate to Messaging > Message Handlers and click Create:

Fill in the blanks, giving a name, selecting the Profile and Inbound Message Source:

 NOTE that scheduled retrieval of messages for a given Mail Handler can be disabled here!

Once saved, a summary is shown:

There is a Poll action  which is effectively a manual invocation of the Mail Handler.