Deprecation of old app marketplace listing

This deprecation is for our duplicate marketplace app listing, to use a single, shared listing for both Data Center and Cloud versions of Custom Space User Management.

A detailed migration guide can be found at Marketplace listing migration.


What is changing?

The deprecated marketplace listing of CSUMCloud has been marked for removal, meaning that after 1st October 2024, support and updates for the app will no longer be managed. The app will eventually be removed from Atlassian marketplace to reduce confusion of multiple app listings for the same add-on.

The correct marketplace listing is still actively maintained and support will be provided, so we encourage migration to the new add-on.


Why has this happened?

Due to limitations of linking Forge applications, when the Cloud version of CSUM was designed, it was not possible to link it as a Cloud version under the existing Atlassian marketplace listing.

Because of this, a new listing was created for the Cloud version of CSUM. Since then, it has now become possible to link Forge add-ons into existing marketplace listings. In order to mark all versions of CSUM under a single add-on, the existing deprecated Cloud listing must be removed from the marketplace.


Which app am I currently using?

The old app listing will display the following banner when you access the app:


If you see this, you are using the old marketplace listing, and will need to migrate.

Old (Incorrect) marketplace listing - Deprecated, pending removal


New (Correct) marketplace listing


If you see the following in your “Manage Apps” screen, you are using the old deprecated app and are encouraged to migrate.



When I migrate, what happens to my created groups or user membership changes?

Created Groups and changes to group membership are made against the existing User and Group directories within your Cloud product.

This means that changes made using the CSUMCloud Space page (Such as “Create Group”, “Add User” etc.) are not linked to the old CSUMCloud marketplace listing. If you navigate to the Group management Confluence page, you will see your created Groups here.


When I migrate, what happens to my CSUMCloud settings?

The new marketplace listing is treated as a new, separate app. In order to copy your CSUMCloud configuration (Such as SpaceGroupPattern, Permissions, etc.), you will need to export your configuration from the old app listing, and import into the new app.

See Marketplace listing migration | Export your existing data for further information on transferring your configuration.


Am I affected?

You are affected if you are using the old marketplace listing.

  • In “Manage Apps”, if the CSUMCloud app has a Red logo, and mentions that is is migrated, you are using the old marketplace listing and are encouraged to migrate.

  • On any CSUMCloud Space page, or System Admin page, if the warning banner mentions the app deprecation, you are using the old marketplace listing and are encouraged to migrate.


What steps are needed to migrate?

If you have not made any configuration changes in the System Admin configuration page, you can install the new app listing and pick up where you left off.

If you have made custom changes to the configuration, such as SpaceGroupPattern or Permission changes, please read on to learn how to migrate configuration from the old app to the new migrated listing.


I have already purchased a subscription for the existing app - what should I do?

We encourage you to reach out to our team through our support channels (or by emailing


What happens if I do not migrate to the correct marketplace listing?

From October 1st 2024, the old listing will be requested to be removed from the marketplace. At the same time, functionality of the addon will be restricted before the app is removed from the marketplace.

Marketplace listing migration | What happens if I don’t use the new add on? details the limitations of using the old marketplace listing instead of migrating as expected.


Migration guide

A detailed migration guide (along with configuration transfer steps via export/import) have been documented in Marketplace listing migration | Export your existing data.