

Capacity Plans define the amount of messages and data that can be processed. Data packs and plan upgrades can be purchased to increase capacity in the short term and long term respectively.

This page describes the data plans and data packs available, which plans you have and the data packs you have bought.


See for current plans.

Plan Upgrades

Upgrading your assigned plan to a higher tier is a cost-effective way to increase your maximum message and data allowance. It is recommended over Data Packs in cases where monthly limits are being frequently reached. Learn more about Plan Upgrades.

Data Packs

Data Packs allow you to increase the amount of data that can be used within that month. Data Packs are purchased when you require more messages or data than your monthly plan permits.

See for a full list of available Data Packs.

Buy a Data Pack

Data Packs can be purchased through either our Sales team or through our online shop. If you require an Invoice then you will need to contact our sales team.

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