Custom Macro Migration

Custom Macro Migration

Summary SINCE 1.7.11

Our LaTex and MathJax plugin has been able to migrate our Native LaTex Macros to MathJax Block macros (SINCE 1.7.4) however we have recently expanded this functionality, to allow any Confluence macro to any of our LaTex and MathJax plugins, for example our Legacy AsciiMath ‘math’ macros.

Custom Macro Selection


The Screenshot above shows the new input fields allowing a custom macro selection to be converted into LaTex or MathJax macros. The From field is used to define the name of Macros which should be migrated to the Target macro defined in the To field.

Finding Macro name

As mentioned previously, the From field uses the Name of the specific macro that should be migrated. The name of each macro used can be seen in the 'Macro Usage' screen at:

  • Confluence > Administration > Administration > Macro Usage

For example in the following screenshot I have highlighted a specific macro to Migrate

Known limitations

Some Macros hold the content of the macro in a named parameter outside the ‘body’ of the Macro object. We try to identify which parameter is most likely to hold the Macro content that should be interpreted as LaTex, or MathJax however it is possible that some content is lost on Migration.

Tested Macro Migration

With the limitation mentioned above we have created the following table of Tested Migration Macro Migrations. we will continue to expand this list, based on use rfeedback.

From Macro

To Latex

To MathJax Block

To MathJax Inline

From Macro

To Latex

To MathJax Block

To MathJax Inline



MathJax Block


MathJax Inline


Ascii Math


Using AsciiMath as an example the following page includes an AsciiMath Macro which we want to migrate to a MathJax Block macro.

Using the Migration page, we provide the From value of ‘math’:

Using the ‘Migrate’ button the AsciiMath Macro is migrated to a MathJax Block Macro as shown in the following screenshots: