- 1 Summary
- 2 Configuration Options
- 2.1 Directive Sets
- 2.2 User Events
- 2.3 Issue Events
- 2.4 Email Storm Prevention
- 2.5 Webhooks
- 2.6 Transports
- 2.6.1 Non-Jira Email notifications
- 2.6.2 Email
- 2.6.3 Slack
- 2.6.4 SMS
- 2.7 Related Pages
Here you define the configurations that will be used when JEMH Sends notification to recipients that are found on the Issue. JEMH currently can send notifications for Jira users and Non-Jira users.
Configuration Options
Directive Sets
Directive Sets allow you to add a link within the Notification that will allow recipients to make a specific change to the related issue.
For more info and examples see:
User Events
User Events occur in a global sense, they are not related to Profiles. Additional notifications can be sent to the related user (e.g. company welcome page on signup, or support contact details if password can't be changed). Notifications can also be sent via JEMH Transports in order to notify through channels other than email.
User Created
Sends the user that was created an email that their account was created.
User Signup
Sends a user notification when a user signs up. e.g. to say thanks for signing up and explains how things work.
User Forgot Username
Sends a notification to the user when they press Can’t access your account and they press Username to send a email to reset their username.
User Forgot Password
Sends a notification to the user when they press Can’t access your account and they press Password to send a email to reset their Password.
User Cannot Change Password
Sends a notifications when a user tried but failed to change their password.
Issue Events
This is the configuration related to if Issue Events should be processed and who the Privileged User is to be used with specific features.
Privileged User (sysadmin)
A privileged user that will be used to perform some privileged operations. e.g. query organization service to get list of organizations.
Listener Enabled
If enabled, causes JEMH to scan for Issue Events being triggered and then send the relevant notification to uses on that issue.
Process events in the background
Performs issue event processing in the background to reduce perceived latency for issue operations
Fallback email Custom Fields
CSV list of Jira Text Custom Fields that contains Comma Separated email addresses.
Disabled Domains
CSV of Regexps, that will match on specific recipients and will inhibit notifications for matching recipients. e.g. Catch Email Address.
Email Storm Prevention
This section allows limits to be set for Notification Scheme driven events. Each Scheme Entity (eg Reporter, Watchers, a Group, etc) is checked to see if it exceeds the limit, and if so, specific actions can be set to occur, sending a given notification to the Project Lead.
Configuration can be changed by pressing the Edit (Pen Icon) for Issue Events.
Scheme Entity Limit (e.g. 500)
Limits the number of notifications per Notification Scheme Entity (e.g. Group, Watcher, MultiUserPicker)
Scheme Entity Limit Action
Controls what action to take if the Scheme Entity Limit is exceeded. Current Options are:
capAndNotifyLead - Will notify the project lead
sendAllAndNotifyLead - Will still send the notifications but will also notify the project lead.
sendNoneAndNotifyLead - Will only notify the Project Lead.
Scheme Entity Limit Template
Ad-Hoc Template used to notify the project lead. Requires specific customization.
For more info see Create an Ad-Hoc Template for "Notification Scheme Entity count exceeded" Notifications
If enabled, this feature allows JEMH to send incoming mail processing information as JSON payloads to the set URIs listed in the Webhook URI list. Configuration can be changed by pressing the Edit (Pen Icon) for Issue Events.
For more info about Webhooks see: Use Webhooks
Webhooks Enabled
If enabled, send processing information as JSON paylod to URIs listed in the Webhook URIs list
Webhook URIs
Add a endpoint URI for JEMH to send inbound mail processing information in JSON format. Please enter in CSV format.
Here is where you configure the Project Mappings for sending Issue Event Notifications, each Project Mapping has per-event Template Mappings as each Project can then have specific events enabled or not. Once created, a Project Template Mapping is shared between Non-Jira and Jira notification handlers, unless an event is specifically set to either DEFAULT or a TemplateSet, no notification will be generated.
Deleting a Template Mapping will remove both NON-Jira and Jira notification configuration for that project!
Non-Jira Email notifications
After adding JEMH IssueEvent Template Sets for specific issueEvents, the JEMH issue event listener will locate configured projects text comma separated value (CSV) field that JEMH keeps up to date with non-jira email accounts. Locating the Custom Field containing the CSV data can be set once as a default, but can also be provided through per-project overrides.
Configuration for sending email notifications.
For more info see: Send notifications for Issue Events
Configuration Options
Inject Image Dimension
Resolves compatibility issues with Image Dimensions when an email application (e.g. Microsoft Outlook App) cannot size images correctly causing part of the image to be hidden. For more info see: Enable Inline Images (Inbound and Outbound)
Multipart Type
JEMH defaults to creating multipart/related MIME type-wrapped messages which for most clients is acceptable. If recipients are using Outlook 2013 then selecting mixed mode may resolve problems regarding attachments not displaying. Note: This is a global setting.
Non-Jira notifications
This is the Notification Mappings that are used for Non-Jira recipients.
Jira notifications
This is the Notification Mappings that are used for Jira User recipients.
Configuration for sending Slack notifications. For more info see: Use the Slack Notification Transport
Configuration Options
Transport Configurations
These are the Slack connections that exist in JEMH.
User Events
Used to define what event will fire what UserEvent notification.
Project Specific Configurations
This is the configurations that are used for each Project.
Configuration for sending SMS notifications.
For more info see: Use the Short Message Service (SMS) Transport
Configuration Options
Transport Configurations
These are the Slack connections that exist in JEMH.
User Events
Used to define what event will fire what UserEvent notification.
Project Specific Configurations
This is the configurations that are used for each Project.