Inbound Message Sources

Inbound Message Sources


To allow JEMHC to process mail from a mail server you will need to add a mail server connection into the JEMHC configuration as JEMHC is unable to poll mail from the internal Jira cloud mail server. Below are the steps to configure new mail server connections

When using a Custom Internal Mail Server you may need to allow the relevant JEMHC IP addresses through the firewall to allow a connection to be made. JEMHC IP addresses can be found on the following page: IP addresses used by the JEMHC app

Setting up a Inbound Message Source

  1. To configure a new Message Source you need to press Create

  2. This will then show a form which needs to be filled in correctly with the relevant details about the mail server.

  3. Once filled in you will then need to press Test Configuration and this will ensure that a connection can be made to the mailbox.

    1. If successful it will present a message that is similar to the following:

    2. If unsuccessful then it will present a message similar to the following:

Integrate using Oauth

It is also possible to connect to mail servers by using Oauth. Which is typically used by Gmail and Microsoft.

See the following pages for info about adding mail server connections using Oauth:

Mail Server actions

Once the Mail server connection is created there are some actions that will allow you to test, edit or delete the connection. The current actions are:


This is used to test the connection and will display if there are any messages left in the mailbox that can be processed and any issues that may have occurred.

The connection test will default to the Inbox folder to validate a connection. Folder configuration can now be selected in the Message Handler configuration: Inbound Message Handlers | Folder.


This will open the Message Source configuration, allowing you to make changes to the configuration and test the configuration.


This will create another Message Source that is a exact copy of this Message source.


This will remove the Message Source from JEMHC meaning no further mail will be processed.