How to change the event type of a notified event

Sometimes you will want to treat a particular issue event as if it were another. Normally this will be only when certain conditions are met.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to JEMH > Notifications

  2. Find/create a notification mapping

  3. In the Event Selector and Filter script section, enter your script, using Velocity scripting language. Refer to the following page for more information on creating the script:

 The following example script will treat all events with comments as Issue Commented events, except when the original event has the event type ID 10000:

Example script

#if($comment && $issueEvent.getEventTypeId() != 10000) $result.setTargetEventId(6) $result.setEventBroadcastMethod('useDerivedEventInstead') $result.setReason('event with comment should be comment event type') #end