Troubleshooting CSUM

Troubleshooting CSUM

If you are encountering problems when using CSUM, it is recommended to follow the below steps in the order shown.

Check the documentation

Have a quick look through the pages on the CSUM wiki (where you are viewing this page). While they are not currently that detailed, they may be able to help.

Search our issue tracker for previously reported issues

Search our CSUM project on Jira to see if your problem has already been reported in the past. It may be that a solution to the problem is available, or fixed in a newer version. Alternatively, you may wish to add a comment to an issue.

Create a new support ticket

If after searching you have not found an issue related to your problem, then you may wish to raise a support ticket with us. Please provide as much information as possible which you deem relevant to your problem, including Confluence and CSUM version numbers.

Providing us with debug log output (see next section) can be very beneficial in resolving issues where the cause is not obvious.

Provide debugging information for your problem

After getting in touch with us via our support platform, you may be asked to provide debugging output generated by CSUM. Once logging is enabled, reproduce the problem that you are having. Then, attach the log file to your support issue. If you wish, sanitize any private information from the log.

Enabling temporary logging

You can enable CSUM logging temporarily. This means that after Confluence is restarted, this configuration is lost (CSUM output will no longer be logged).

  • In Confluence, go to Confluence Administration > Logging and Profiling

  • You should see a list of package names that are currently being logged

  • In the form for adding a new entry, enter the following package name:


  • Ensure that you select the DEBUG logging level (important!)

  • Press the add button to add the entry

  • With the above configuration, CSUM logging will be stored in /logs/atlassian-confluence.log located in your Confluence HOME directory.

Enabling persistent logging

Alternatively you may wish to enable persistent logging for CSUM. This means that CSUM logging will survive Confluence restarts.

  • Using a text editor, edit the file found at the path /confluence/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties in your Confluence installation directory. Append the following to the end of the file:

    ####### ## ## CSUM Logging ## log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.File=${catalina.home}/logs/csum.log log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.MaxFileSize=20480KB log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.MaxBackupIndex=5 log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %t %p [%c{4}] %m%n log4j.appender.CSUMFileLog.Threshold=DEBUG log4j.logger.com.pluginpeople.confluence.csum=DEBUG, CSUMFileLog log4j.additivity.com.thepluginpeople.confluence.csum=false ## ## #######


  • Save the changes to the file, and restart Confluence

  • With the above configuration, CSUM logging will be stored in /logs/csum.log located in your Confluence installation directory.

If you change User Directories

This is not a CSUM support scenario, please see Atlassian documentation:



Unable to create/delete CSUM groups when LDAP user directory is not available

It has been found that if you have an LDAP user directory configured in Confluence which has been set to Read Only, with Local Groups, if the LDAP server is unavailable/down then you will be unable to create new or delete existing CSUM groups.

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