File Import/Export

File Import/Export


You can choose to use a comma, semi-colon, colon or vertical bar as the delimiter between a specified User and Space Group for CSV File import/Export.

File Import

Making bulk add/remove changes via CSV file upload

Supported from version 3.0.12, a CSV (comma separated values) formatted file can be used to add/remove users in bulk:


Choose which type of bulk operation you want to perform. Currently there are two choices; add members to groups, or delete members from groups. Once the desired operation type has been selected, click the "browse" button to select a CSV file from your file system.

CSUM expects a specific format for the CSV file. Each line of the file represents one operation and contains two fields. The first field is the user-name of the user. The second field is the name of the group that the user is to be added to or removed from. Here is a small example CSV file:

ajones,space-group1 fsmith,space-group1 tjenkins,space-group2 dharris,space-group2 nprice,space-group3

When the processing of a file is completed (successfully or not), the file is removed from its storage location (the shared-home folder). Whenever a processing task is submitted, old task records (submitted over 7 days ago) are removed. If an associated file is still present for the task, it is removed also.


Without any unexpected issues arising, a bulk add/remove will take place and complete under these conditions:

  • If the current user completing the CSV bulk change is a space admin, they can only make bulk changes to groups that are in the space that they are currently in and that they are a space admin of, or any of this users delegated groups if Delegated group actions permitted is set to yes.

  • If the current user is a completing the CSV bulk change is a system admin, they can make bulk changes to any group from any space unless a group being altered is one of their delegated groups and Delegated group actions permitted is set to no.

The Delegated group actions permitted field can be found within the CSUM Configuration.

Space groups that are set to be manipulated within the CSV must already exist within the current Space that the bulk operation is set to take place


CSV upload

Users to process

Time till completion


~ 45 seconds


~ 1 minute


~ 3 minutes


~ 5 minutes


~ 30 minutes


~ 1.5 hours


~ 4 hours

File Export

Supported from version 4.0.6, a CSV (comma separated values) formatted file can be exported to analyse Space groups and their users.

Only Space Groups with users will appear within the File Export CSV

As long as the process is successful, a CSV file will be downloaded for you to observe which will appear in the same format as the File Import requires, for example:

ajones,space-group1 fsmith,space-group1 tjenkins,space-group2 dharris,space-group2 nprice,space-group3

This allows you remove certain users and their associated groups, seperated by the chosen delimiter, and then use the resulting CSV to directly perfom a CSV import task to add or remove users and the associated group within the CSV, if desired.