Manage Mail Queues

Manage Mail Queues

A pre-requisite for adding Queues is to have an outbound mail server configured.

Creating a Queue

In the Mail Configuration tab, selecting the Manage Mail Queues menu-item will show:

Clicking Add Mail Queue presents the following window:

Dialog fields

Name - give the queue a name

Description - give the queue a description

Active - is the queue active or not, only active queues an have events routed to.

From Address - optionally define a queue specific from: address.  Leaving empty will default to the Mail Connection details.

From Personal - optionally define a queue specific Personal part to the from: address.  Leaving empty will default to the Mail Connection details.

Queue Type - Simple content Aggregation (initial implementation) or Advanced Condensing implementation (in the future)

Email Grouping - Enable By Issue digest notifications, so each email refers to changes on the same issue.

Mail Connection - Pick from available created Mail Connections, the physical method to deliver mail.

Notification Scheme - EMQ takes over from JIRA Mail Listener for notifications.  By Selecting the Notification Scheme, EMQ will be able to locate related Notification Recipients.  NOTE: Leaving the JIRA Project associated with a Notification Scheme will result in duplicate notifications, it should be remove from the Project.


Project Whitelist - a simple comma separated list of project KEY's or Regexps for them, to include Events for those Projects as to be processed by this Queue.  If specified, 'only these' projects will be used.

Project Blacklist - a simple comma separated list of project KEY's or Regexps for them, to exclude Events for those projects.  If only blacklist entries are present, the result is 'all projects' but these.

Email Options

Email Options - Control over the email related options can be inherited or defined on the queue:

Max Events Per Email - Sets how many events are to be contained in an email, e.g. a created issue and a comment are two events, so a limit of 10 may be too small, but 100 too large.


Attachment Enablement - can be On/Off/Inherited.  Enabling attachments for digested emails is possible if desired, but runs the risk of hitting mail server limitations, there are controls that can be set to mitigate this:

Include Attachments - If attachments should be included at all

Allow inline images - if wiki markup has been used (e.g. created by Enterprise Message Handler for JIRA), images appearing inline in the issue can appear inline in the digested content.

Max Attachment Size - Max size in KB of an attachment that should be sent, 0 means unlimited.  EMQ will split notifications over several emails if size or number of events is exceeded.  Suggested maximum would be 512KB (pre-encoded)

Max Attachment Total Size - The maximum total size limits the overall size of attachments that can be sent, in MB.  NOTE that this refers to the pre-encoding of those attachments.   Servers like Gmail will refuse encoded emails greater than 25MB.

Error Notification for Content Received

User to notify - a user to notify if content rendering fails, that would result in loss of a notification.  Typically this would be used during template testing and/or for identifying bugs.

Viewing the Mail Queues

Once created, the queue will be listed along with any others that exist.  The first queue created becomes the default queue (note the green status on the left).

Flushing a queue

Flushing a queue causes all stored events for the Queue to be sent to their recipients.

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