JEMH Server/DC Usage Data

JEMH Server/DC Usage Data

What is JEMH Usage Data?

JEMH Server/DC Usage Data tracks your number of messages in/out as well as data usage in/out. It is a useful way to understand how much message volume and data usage you are using in general or particularly when considering moving to JEMHC for Cloud.

You can also choose to view the Usage Data of one or more Project(s) to see how much data usage these selected Project(s) are using alone.

How to turn Usage Data on

You can turn JEMH Usage History on or off at: JEMH Configuration > Auditing > Settings via the toggle, an image is shown below.

JEMH will only track inbound and outbound data and messages when Usage History is enabled

How does JEMH Server/DC calculate Usage Data

Every time an email is sent, JEMH will increment its record of messages sent for the related project as well as the total number of messages sent and received by 1. It will also increase the total data sent for the related project as well as the total data sent sent and received by the size of the message that was just sent.

Every time an email is received, JEMH will increment its record of messages received for the related project as well as the total number of messages sent and received by 1. It will also increase the total data received for the related project as well as the total data sent and received by the size of the message that was just received.

Data size defined using IEC standard units (1 KiB = 1024 bytes, 1 MiB = 1024 KiB)

An example table of how JEMH will calculate your Usage Data is below


Messages inbound total

Messages outbound total

Messages overall total

Data inbound total

Data outbound total

Data overall total


Messages inbound total

Messages outbound total

Messages overall total

Data inbound total

Data outbound total

Data overall total

Message is sent

(no attachments - 512 KiB)




0 KiB

512 KiB

512 KiB

Message is received

(no attachments - 512 KiB)




512 KiB

512 KiB

1 Mib

Message is sent

(with attachments - 2 MiB)




512 KiB

2 MiB and 512 KiB

3 MiB

Message is received

(with attachments - 2 MiB)




2 MiB and 512 KiB

2 MiB and 512 KiB

5 MiB

Note - The email sizes are just examples

What Usage Data can I see?

Viewing data in different sizes

As data in bytes and this is an unrealistic data usage measurement size for reviewing Data Usage, you can view your Data Usage in either KiB or MiB.

If you are viewing your data usage in MiB but haven’t sent or received at least 1 MiB of data, the Data Usage chart will appear empty. Change to view your data usage in KiB and data usage statistics should appear (unless you haven’t even processed 1 Kib yet!)

Viewing data in different time frames

You are able to view messages and data in/out over different time frames.

The options include the total for:

  • each hour total of the current day

  • each day total over the current month

  • each month total over the last 6 months

Viewing only data out or in

As you can see just below, messages and data out are shown using a red bar, whereas messages and data in are shown using a blue bar.

If you would like to only view the messages out on the Message Volume chart, you can stop displaying the messages in statistics by clicking on the little blue bar with the text “Messages in”, placed just below the chart title. If you would like the messages in statistics again, just click this again and the statistics will reappear. The same applies for hiding the messages out statistics as well as both data in and data out for the Data Usage chart.

Below are screenshots of how the JEMH Server/DC Data Usage feature appears displaying fake data.

JEMH providing a predicted required JEMHC License plan

JEMH can provide you with a predicted JEMHC License plan for if you are considering moving to JEMHC which is based on your current usage data (Jira users, message count and data volume) of the current month so far.

You can view this within the information panel when the:

  • Project parameter is set to all

  • Timeframe parameter is set to Current Month

  • Your Jira Allowlist allows us to gather your expected JEMHC License plan, or is disabled


Enabling through Jira Allowlist

If your Jira Allowlist is disabled, JEMH should be able to provide a recommended JEMHC License plan

However, if your Jira Allowlist is enabled, in order for JEMH to use your data to provide you with a predicted JEMHC License plan, you must allow access to our URL within your Jira Allowlist.

You can do this by:

  1. Going to Jira > System > Allowlist

  2. Choose Wildcard expression as the type

  3. Enter https://jemhcloud.thepluginpeople.com/app/tier?* into the Expression field

  4. Press add

  5. It should now appear as shown below


Now this URL should be able to be accessed by JEMH and be able to provide you with your predicted JEMHC License plan!

How long does data remain

All data is deleted as soon as possible, after it will no longer be displayed within our Usage Data screen.

Hourly data

Hourly data is deleted once the day that the hour belongs to, is no longer the current day. For example, daily usage data for 8pm on 13/02/2023 will be deleted as soon as possible when the current day turns to 14/02/23.

Daily data

Daily data is deleted once the month that the day belongs to, is no longer the current month. For example, daily usage data for 13/02/2023 will be deleted as soon as possible when the current month turns to 03/23.

Monthly data

Monthly data is deleted once the month is 6 months ago from the current month. For example, monthly usage data for 02/2023 will be deleted as soon as possible when the current month turns to 08/23.

Deleting usage data

You can also manually delete data if you would like to start tracking data from the current point in time or from a specific date.

If you click on the bin icon shown in the screenshot below:

You will be shown the popup shown below:

You can either choose to:

  • Delete all usage data that exists

  • Delete all usage data from before a provided date