Profile Configuration

Each Profile created contains it’s own configuration section. These settings will apply for the entire Project (All project mappings, both default and non-default, within the Profile will share this configuration)





The name of the selected Profile.


The description of the selected Profile. Allows a more detailed description for other users to understand the purpose of the selected Profile.


If you are managing multiple configuration profiles, you may have some that are not ready for use. The readiness setting allows you to categorize your profiles for organizational purposes. Available options are:

  • Development

  • UAT

  • Production

Catch Email Addresses

The specified emails and regex values will be used to find a catch email address matching the incoming emails recipients.

When an email is processed, there must be at least one recipient that matches the provided catch email address values. If a matching catch email address is not found, the email cannot be processed. (See ‘Non-catch Email Action’ to configure what should happen in this scenario).

Catch email addresses will not be added as recipients. This prevents catch email address emails from being notified, preventing a mail loop.

Additional Recipient Headers

Previously named Catch Email Headers. By default, the following email headers will be checked for recipient addresses and catch email addresses:

  • To

  • Cc

  • Bcc

  • Delivered-To

  • Newsgroups

Here you can provide a comma-separated list of email header names to check in addition to the above.

Non-catch Email Action

If an incoming email does not match the catch email address values above, the following action will be taken.

Possible options are:

  • Drop - The mail will be dropped, not processed again.

  • Forward - A forward email notification will be sent to the configured ‘Forward User Email Addresses’.

  • Ignore - The incoming mail will be ignored. Note: This may cause a mail processing loop if the ignored mail is left unread in your message source mailbox.

Forward User Email Addresses

When email processing failures occur, the forward user emails provided will be notified when the outcome operation is set to Forward.

This address should not be a Incoming Mail Server Address as this would cause issues such as Mail Loops which you would not want to occur.

Act As User Feature Enabled

When enabled, attempt to perform comment operations on behalf of Jira users. This means that comments will have the specific Jira user set as its author.

Rule Evaluation Strategy

Project Mapping rules (See ) will be processed based on the strategy selected. Available options are:

  • First match wins - Project mappings and rules are processed from top to bottom. Project mapping and Rule order can be altered using the up and down arrows on their respective page.

  • Rule Priority - When rule priority is selected, rules will be evaluated from highest to lowest priority. You will be able to configure the priority of Rules (from 0-20).

Description Size Limit Reached Action

When an incoming email subject is larger than the description field character limit, this setting changes how we handle the remaining content.

  • Clip and Attach: ... remainder clipped, see original will be added to the description and the remaining content will be attached to the Issue.

  • Cut remaining: The maximum character limit will truncate the description content. Data will be lost if the description is larger than the maximum description character limit.

Included Senders

By default, all senders are included. When enabled, only incoming emails with the sender value matching the CSV values will be processed.

Sender addresses that do not match the included senders will be handled according to the ‘Profile exclusion action’ below.

Excluded Senders

Any CSV values provided will be used to prevent incoming emails sent by excluded senders from being processed.

Sender addresses that match the excluded senders will be handled according to the ‘Profile exclusion action’ below.

Excluded Recipients

Any CSV values provided will be used to prevent incoming emails that contain a matching excluded recipient from being processed. For example, this can be used to prevent email processing of emails that were bulk sent to specific email addresses.

How these exclusions are handled is set through Profile Exclusion Action (below)

Excluded Subjects

Any CSV values provided will be used to prevent incoming emails that contain a matching excluded subject from being processed.

Profile Exclusion Action

When an incoming email matches against the above inclusion or exclusion rules, the selected action will be used on the incoming email.

Possible actions are:

Global Exclusion Action

This setting defines the behavior action for incoming emails when the global exclusion configuration is applied. (See ).

Possible actions are:

  • Drop - The email will be dropped, not processed.

  • Forward - A forward notification will be sent to the configured forward users (See ).

  • Ignore - The email will be ignored. Note: This may cause a mail processing loop if the ignored mail is left unread in your message source mailbox.

Non-delivery Email Action

When handling incoming emails that are Bounce emails, this setting determines the behavior action that should be applied.

Possible actions are:

Error Action

When an incoming email processing error occurs, this setting defines the behavior action that should be applied. This setting is only for processing failures. Exclusion action and other processing configuration uses their configured values.

Possible actions are:

  • Drop - The email will be dropped, not processed.

  • Forward - A forward notification will be sent to the configured forward users (See ).

  • Ignore - The email will be ignored. Note: This may cause a mail processing loop if the ignored mail is left unread in your message source mailbox.

Forward Email Message Level Threshold

Only available when Error Action is set to Forward.

The threshold level is used to know which level of reports should send forward notifications. If the generated report is greater than or equal to the selected level, the notification is sent.

Possible options are:

  • Success

  • Info

  • Warning

  • Error

For example, if a processing error occurs when the threshold is set to Error, forward notifications will be sent out if the processing report is of Error type.

Precedence Bulk Action

This setting defines how incoming emails with Precedence header value bulk should be handled.

Possible actions are:

Precedence Bulk Excluded Senders

Only available when ‘Precedence Bulk Action’ is set to ‘Forward’ or ‘Drop’.

Any CSV sender addresses or regex values provided will be used when precedence bulk checks are made on an incoming email.

If left empty, all the emails with precedence bulk header are considered for Precedence Bulk Action.

Precedence Bulk Included Senders

Only available when ‘Precedence Bulk Action’ is set to ‘Forward’ or ‘Drop’.

Any CSV sender addresses or regex values provided will be ignored when precedence bulk checks are made on an incoming email.

If left empty, all the emails with precedence bulk header are considered for Precedence Bulk Action.

Sender is Bulk

If specified, this determines the number of emails a user can send every hour before messages are considered as ‘bulk messages’.

In the scenario another email is sent after reaching the configured limit, the precedence bulk action will be used. See for more.

Drop Messages With Headers

This setting allows incoming emails containing a matching header value to be dropped automatically.

Each setting is configured to check the key and value provided. If an incoming email header matches a chosen key, the header value will be checked against the configured value. If the values match, the email is dropped.

Values can be plain text or regular expressions.

Preprocessing Tasks

If a received email doesn't conform to expected standards, processing problems can occur. Preprocessing tasks will attempt to find and fix some of them. The current options are:

See the page for more information.

Quoted Address Removal

This will check the From, To and Cc addresses for any illegal quotes and will then remove any illegal quotes. e.g. "Some Name" <''>"Some Name" <>

Double Route Address Removal

This will check whether any of the From, To and Cc addresses for illegal double addresses. If found it will quote the first address as a personal part. e.g. <> <>"" <>.

Single Leading Quoted Personal Fixer

This will find and remove any illegal empty quotations. e.g. ' ' <><>

Trailing Dot Address Removal

This will find and remove any trailing dots that are found within the From, To and Cc addresses. e.g. "Some Name" <>"Some Name" <>

Unwrapped Email Address Fixer

This will find any unwrapped email addresses and will wrap them within “<“ and “>”. This will only be applied when a personal is provided. e.g. "Some Name""Some Name" <>

Missing Recipient Address Fixer

Adds the To header if the email recipients (in To, Cc and Bcc or any other Catch Email Headers) don't match any Catch Email Addresses. Useful for allowing emails sent to the inbound mailbox using the Bcc header to be processed.

This option will add the address which has been added to “To Email Address”. This would be a Catch Email Address

Content Type Mapper

This will filter invalid email header mime types to some valid type. This will show a configuration option where you enter the invalid content type and what to change the value to. For example:

Illegal Disposition Fixer

Fixes broken/unknown Content-Disposition headers, setting up a configurable default header value will allow you to enter a default Content-Disposition to use. Recommended values are attachment or inline

Scripted Task

Here you are able to create your own custom Preprocessing task. This allows you to change the incoming mail based on custom conditions.

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