Profile Advisories

When configuring the profile, you want to ensure the changes made will result in emails being processed correctly without any issues. This Advisories section displays all configuration advisories for the Profile including the Project Mapping specific advisories and the severity of the error, along with a ‘Next Steps’ description. Advisories displays the severity of the error, along with a ‘Next Steps’ description. 

How to fix Advisories shown in the profile?

When your configuration is invalid, the Advisories page will show all advisories in a table format, similar to the above image. As you can also see it will be split into collapsible Mapping specific sections to make it easy to identify where the errors are coming from.

As seen, the ‘Description’ column explains ‘what’ is wrong, whilst the ‘Next Steps’ column contains a navigation link, which will redirect you to the configuration section that is invalid, or in need of changing.

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