Outbound Messages

Outbound Messages


Mail that is sent by JEMHC is tracked and can be accessed for diagnosing potential issues.

Retention of inbound/outbound mail is for diagnostic purposes, we currently have a rolling limit of 100 notifications. Retention can be opted-out, re-enabling requires contacting support@thepluginpeople.com

Audit Functions

For each Audit record there is a couple of functions that can be performed. These functions are:

View report

This is a report of the type of notification that has been sent and who it has been sent to.


This will export the full email that has been sent into a text file. This file will include all of the email headers.

View HTML Body

If found, This will display the content that is found within HTML format section.

View Text Body

If found, This will display the content that is found within Text format section.

View Source

This displays the full email including all of the email headers.


This will remove the audit record from Outbound Messages.

Outbound mail Statuses

For each outbound notification that is sent there is a Notification type and this defines the type of notification that was sent. Below are the current Notification types that are used.





Notification sent (Email Icon)

This defines that a notification has been sent to at-least one of the recipients on the issue.


Reject Notifications are sent when the Profile has rejected an incoming message from being processed.


Forward notifications are sent when the incoming email has resulted in a forward outcome.


Ping notifications are used to test whether JEMHC is able to send notifications using the configured Outbound Mail server.

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