Frequently Asked Questions

This section covers a list of FAQ’s regarding CSUM Cloud



Where is Data stored?

CSUM Cloud is a Forge app, and so data is hosted internally by Atlassian using the Forge Storage API: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/runtime-reference/storage-api/. This platform ensures data is host secure, meaning one customers' data cannot be accessed in another customers instance.

Atlassian manage where apps ‘run’ and where data is ‘stored’, currently multi-region data pinning is not yet released (by Atlassian)


What Data is stored?

The storage API is used to store CSUM Cloud Global system configuration. This data is primarily checkbox and input selections for various features.

Data for the Auto Join Groups feature is also stored by saving the selected Groups unique Group ID’s only. Additional Group Data or membership data is not saved for this feature.

Space Admin changes to Groups or Group membership are not stored by CSUM Cloud, as these changes are made to the Groups and memberships stored by Atlassian.

Note: The Delegated Groups feature is not currently released, but when made publicly available, will store Delegation data of Groups and Users inside the Forge Storage API. The data stored will be Unique Group ID’s and Account ID’s, additional data for Groups or Users will not be saved.



Is there a Migration tool for CSUM (Server/DC) to CSUMC?

Currently, there is no migration tool due to the difference in configuration (both storage and functionality).

For example, the Space group pattern in CSUMC is different to the original pattern & prefix/suffix approach. This is primarily due to limitations with Atlassians Confluence Cloud REST API limiting the search functionality of groups - The decision to retain a fully Forge-hosted app infrastructure (where data is not stored or computed outside of the Forge-app scope), the decision to limit space group pattern behaviour was made.

Please refer to the setup guide to help configure CSUMC .


Space Permissions are not carried over for the Group Rename feature

Please Note: At present, all Space Permissions from the old Group are transferred except the Delete Mail permission.

If your Group being renamed has this Space Permission, you will need to manually add it to the renamed group under Confluence Space Permissions page.

If Space Permissions are not being carried over, this may be due to current Confluence plan. When on the Free Plan, it is not possible to alter Space Permissions. This means that Customers on the Free plan cannot rename a group and automatically transfer Space Permissions from the existing Group.


Page security is not inherited for the Group Rename feature

The existing CSUMCloud group rename feature is limited to copying Space Permissions. Additional page security for multi-tier space content is not copied over.

System Admins can use the build in ‘Edit group name’ feature to rename groups. See .


We have an internal ticket about this, but the latest update indicates that no API is available to access this edit group name behaviour. Due to this, CSUMCloud cannot access this endpoint, which is why the limited group rename feature can only transfer space permissions.


Adding or Removing Group membership takes a long time

Currently, the Confluence Cloud REST API allows CSUM Cloud to make a request for a single User to be Added to, or Removed from, a single group.

Because of the inability to add or remove Users in bulk, these operations with large Group membership numbers can take longer than expected. There are plans for the Confluence Cloud REST API to be expanded to allow bulk User operations. When this is complete, CSUM Cloud can utilise the API to improve performance.



I cannot Bulk upload Membership via CSV like in CSUM Server/DC

Currently this feature is not yet available in CSUM Cloud. We are looking into implementing this feature, and have an ongoing ticket for this feature:

Additionally, until the changes for Confluence Cloud REST API have been made to allow bulk User Add/Remove actions, this feature would also be impacted by performance.



I cannot assign Delegated Group management like in CSUM Server/DC

Currently this feature is not yet available in CSUM Cloud. We are looking into implementing this feature, and have an ongoing ticket for this feature:



There is no Audit History of changes made

CSUM Cloud does not currently offer an Audit History of changes made to Groups or Group Membership. These changes can be seen within:



How can i view app logs

App logs are not exposed to customers, but can be requested from support. Please view the Atlassian app log page for further information on retrieving app logs:

Log access must be enabled for the app to enable our support team to view the latest logs when assisting with problems. If you have disabled log access, we may ask you to re-enable and reproduce the error.



I cannot search for a User via Email address

We have an open ticket for this , however the limitations with Confluence’s CQL search means searching by name is the only option currently available.



I keep seeing ‘Restricted Access’ in User search or Group membership tables

When CSUM Cloud cannot find a Users Email, it will display a lozenge in the group memberships table indicating ‘Restricted Email Access’. This notice is also displayed in the user search field for add/remove group membership.

For the user to allow their Email to be visible, the User must change their Email visibility setting from ‘Only you and Admins’ to ‘'Everyone’. Without this, Installed Apps (CSUMCloud) cannot access user Emails.


‘An error occurred whilst loading the app’ - I cannot access the app under Space Settings

Currently, there are 2 known problems with accessing the app within Space Settings.

  • The logged in user does not have the correct permissions for the space.

  • The logged in user does not have the correct permissions for making forge app requests.

Both scenarios will display the following error:


What does this mean?

This issue was historically from , but has been resolved with the introduction of new display Conditions shown in.

If you are still experiencing this issue, please reach out to us via our Customer Support Portal.


I have an Issue, or I want to get in touch?