Email only users

Email only users

One of the app’s primary features allows people who don’t have a user account to interact with issues via email. We commonly refer to them as ‘email-only users’. Their addresses are stored in Jira custom fields.

This page only covers the Profile configuration for email-only users, which populates the custom field values from the inbound messages. If you are looking for notifying email only users, see configuring email only user notifications.


Email only users section

Email-only user definition

JEMHC defines an ‘Email-only user’ as:

Email only users are inbound email addresses that aren't associated with Jira user accounts. These email addresses don't match existing Jira users' email addresses.


JEMHC will create required custom fields for the following configuration. However, if you decide to use your own custom fields, ensure that:

  • The fields are visible on the create and edit screens for the project.

  • The fields are not used for any other purpose in order to avoid conflicts/errors.

  • The custom field type is ‘Text (Single line)' for ‘Email Sender Address’ and ‘Email Sender Name’ settings.

  • The custom field type is ‘Text (Multiline)’ for ‘Email Participants’ setting.

Sender address headers

By Default the Sender Address Headers value is: From then Reply-To

This setting defines the headers that JEMHC will check for a sender address value. (Select Inherit to inherit value using inbound email).

The selected headers are also subject to the related Sender Exclusions/Inclusions as per: Excluding message senders or recipients | Included Senders.


Email Sender Address Field

The Email sender address field allows a custom field to be defined that will store the inbound email only user addresses. By default, JEMHC will create an ‘Email Sender Address’ custom field that will work by default.

If you wish to configure your own Custom Fields, please refer to Atlassian documentation for custom field creation.


Email Sender Name Field

The Email sender name field allows a custom field to be defined that will store the inbound email only user name part(s). By default, JEMHC will create an ‘Email Sender Name’ custom field that will work by default.

If you wish to configure your own Custom Fields, please refer to Atlassian documentation for custom field creation.


Email Participants Field

The Email participants field allows a custom field to be defined that will store the inbound email participants. By default, JEMHC will create an ‘Email Participants’ custom field that will work by default.

If you wish to configure your own Custom Fields, please refer to Atlassian documentation for custom field creation.

Email Participants Field (Migration Target)

To learn more, seeMigrating email participants to a larger custom field.

Non-Jira security

When enabled, this setting prevents email only users that send an email matching an existing issue when the sender address is not present in an email only custom field. This is mostly enabled to prevent unwanted recipients gaining access to Jira Issues by sending an email in that relates to an existing Jira Issue.

Disabling this setting will allow anyone to send an incoming email and add themselves as recipients to the Jira Issue.

Allow Uninvolved Senders via Threading

Requires ‘Non-Jira security’ to be enabled. This setting further configures how JEMHC restricts ‘anonymous’ access for email only users.

When enabled, email only users that do not currently have access to an issue can participate in issues if the email threading matches an existing Issue.

Clear Option

This option allows you to clear the selected value from the field. This allows Email Only User configuration to be disabled for specific Rules/Project Mapping.

Inherit Option

This option allows you to inherit the value from either the default Project Mapping or the current Project Mapping if used within a Rule.

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