Excluding emails by subject (e.g. Auto-Replies)

Excluding emails by subject (e.g. Auto-Replies)


JEMHC has a subject exclusion capability, which is global to all Profiles.  This allows the System/Project Admin to exclude emails based on the subject. This will mean that no issues are created/updated. Shown below is the System Admin configuration section (also available within a Project scope to project administrators).

Creating a new exclusion

Go to JEMHC > Exclusions > Exclude email by subject. This will bring up the initial screen.  As a convenience, several examples are available which are scoped globally by default.

Click on create.  This will open the popup to create a new subject exclusion rule.

  1. The project field allows you to scope the exclusion rule to a specific project, by default the scope is global which means the rule will apply to all projects.

  2. Specify a Regular Expression that will match the email subjects you would like to exclude in the subject field of the popup. In the above example, emails that have the word "spam" in the subject will be blocked.

  3. Optionally you can define a reason for the exclusion rule to clarify why the rule exists.

  4. The enabled checkbox allows you toggle whether the exclusion is used during processing (enabled by default).

After saving a new exclusion it’ll be displayed in a list with other exclusions that exist. Here, you can edit exclusions and filter them by project scope by selecting the project within project field.

Restore Defaults

The Restore Defaults button will re-create any default exclusions that have been previously removed or modified. This will not affect any Custom exclusions that have been previously created. Below is a screenshot of the Default exclusions that would be re-created:

Per-profile subject exclusions

When creating a profile you are able to exclude subjects for that specific profile. To edit these options you go to Profile > Profile > Edit > Excluded Subjects with this option it uses Regex CSV to search for the text in the Subject of the email.

Profile Subject Exclusion Example

This example below is a reverse exclusion Regex that will look for “some text” within the Subject and if it does not contain “some text” it will drop the email.

Exclusion actions

Once a Exclusion has been created there will be some actions that can be performed. These actions are:


This will open the Edit configuration for that Exclusion. Here are you are able to change the Project, Subject (Exclusion value), Reason and whether the exclusion is enabled.


This will create a duplicate of the exclusion.


This will delete the exclusion, meaning that emails with this subject will be able to create and comment on issues.