Excluding emails by sender

Excluding emails by sender


You can exclude emails based on the sender address of the received email. Exclusions by sender address may commonly be used to block known spam addresses from creating issues in Jira. Sender exclusion can be configured globally via JEMHC administration or it can be configured on a project level within project settings by project administrators.

To access sender exclusion, click Exclusions within JEMHC and then click Exclude by Email Sender. By default no sender exclusion rules are configured and you will be presented with the following page:

Creating a new exclusion

To create a new sender exclusion rule press the Create button which will trigger a popup window where you can specify the rule configuration. The desired sender address to be excluded can be defined in the address field as a Regular Expression. In the below example, all sender addresses from the domain @test.com have been excluded. Optionally a reason for exclusion can be defined to clarify why the rule exists in the future.

The rule is scoped globally by default meaning it will apply to all projects, the rule can be scoped to a specific project by selecting one within the project key field. After creating the sender exclusion rule, it will be shown in the list of all sender exclusion rules. Rules can be filtered by project scope via the project drop-down field.

Exclusion actions

Once a Exclusion has been created there will be some actions that can be performed. These actions are:


This will open the Edit configuration for that Exclusion. Here are you are able to change the Project, Address (Exclusion value), Reason and whether the exclusion is enabled.


This will create a duplicate of the exclusion.


This will delete the exclusion, meaning that emails with this subject will be able to create and comment on issues.

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