Exclude or include email recipients for outbound notifications

Exclude or include email recipients for outbound notifications


JEMHC notifications by default have no restrictions imposed on the recipients of the notifications. If a user is involved in an issue and they are a part of the audience selected in a notification mapping, they will receive an email notification. As an administrator you may desire to prevent specific recipients from receiving emails from JEMHC, this can be achieved via the Exclude email recipients and Include email recipients pages. This can be configured via JEMHC administration or at a project level via project settings when a user is a project administrator.

The configuration is found by navigating to the Exclusions tab of the app.

Exclude vs include

Notification recipient addresses that match an inclusion rule are permitted to receive email notifications. Any address that is not found to be a member of the included addresses will be excluded. 

Notification recipient addresses that match an exclusion are not permitted to receive email notifications. An excluded address overrides an included address - any addresses in the excluded section will be blocked from receiving email notifications.

Creating a new recipient exclusion/inclusion rule

Pressing the Create button within the Exclude email recipients or Include email recipients sections will trigger a popup window where you can enter configuration for a new rule.

In the popup window that opens you can define the rule.



Pressing Save will create the new rule. The rule will be shown in the list of all rules, you can filter the list of rules by scope via the Project drop-down menu.


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