Workflow Advance Gotchas

Workflow Advance Gotchas


JEMH Can auto-advance on creation, or comment.  It it can be hard to know If everything is set up right - here are some hints:

Workflow Conditions, Disabled Assignee etc 

The default JIRA workflow requires the assignee be used for workflow transitions.  Until now (well, 1.4.16+) the 'assignee' in the project was the Project Lead.  This breaks down when different addressees are used.  A fix for this is to adopt the issue assignee for such transitions, which is coming in the next release.  

GOTCHA: If the issue is unassigned (or the assignee is disabled - JEMH-2572), the standard JIRA Workflow will cause transitions to fail. The fix is to have an assignee or have a default reporter with appropriate permission.

Global Transition Support

JEMH versions below 1.9.17 do not support the handling of "global transitions" (when statuses are set to allow all others to transition to it).  The workflows need to have "standard" transitions in auto for automatic workflow advance to work.

Work done in https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/browse/JEMH-2142 means that for 1.9.17 onwards, global transitions can be used.  In such a scenario, the "from statuses" setting can be left empty.

Transition User selection

@Since JEMH v1.5.92 

In order to be as flexible as possible, the following process of selecting a user for the workflow transition is used:


First, the following user sources will be validated for workflow transition suitability (have EDIT_ISSUE permission, e.g. role of Developer):

  1. Assignee (if present)

  2. Email Sender User (if present)

  3. Profile Default Reporter (if present)


If no valid user is present, the transition will fail.  With a non-empty list of valid users (possibly all the above), each is tested (if the transition completes, nor further attempts are made):

  1. Assignee

  2. Email Sender User

  3. Profile Default Reporter

In this way, regardless of the current assignee status, so long as there is some applicable user in context, the transition will occur.

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