Why are non JIRA account holders not getting emails?
You've setup custom fields for non-JIRA account holders, you've tested inbound email, addresses are extracted fine, but the non account holders are not getting notifications, whats going on?
JIRA Notification Schemes
JIRA Notification Schemes are only applicable to JIRA account holders (whether they have 'right to use' or not).
NON JIRA Account holder notification
Non JIRA account holders need special handling. JEMH has an integrated Issue Event listener that is notified when any issue events occur. the listener is configured to only react to specific projects, it extracts email addresses from Custom Fields and send emails.
A condensed summary of required changes are:
Enable JEMH Issue Event Listener
Create a JEMH Issue Event TemplateSet (customized or not)
Add a JEMH Project Mapping under the Issue Event Listener TAB for the project you want to monitor
Within that JEMH Issue Event Project Mapping, configure the Custom Field that contains the non JIRA account holder email address
When testing
Try disabling the notification scheme, and have another window open monitoring the outbound JIRA mail queue. When the configuration is right, outbound emails should be seen hitting the queue.
See Enable non-Jira Account holders to receive issue updates for details (Changes for IssueEvent listener and onward).