What is the structure of emails with Directives?

What is the structure of emails with Directives?


As a user you want to provide directives in an email that affect how JIRA issues are created, to do this, JEMH Directives may be injected. Several formats are supported through Field Processors such as:

  • Colon suffix (key: value)

  • At prefix (@key=value)

  • Subject (#key=value / #key="some value")

  • XML...

  • CSV...

  • Nagios...

  • Wufoo...

All field processors expect Directives at the start of an email, in a block, such as:

At Prefix Simple Case

Note1, Directive block is at the start of the email and contains no empty lines between Directives
Note2, The 'body' content is separated from the Directive block by an empty line

@priority=Major @Company=xxx @CISMID=567 @Component=xxx @Summary=1Meldung mit Melder test1 import 2Meldung mit Melder 3Meldung mit Melder 4Meldung mit Melder

Muli-line value Case

This example shows how a mulit-line value can be injected through directives. A limitation of this approach is that content included must not start with something matching '@key=' which would be taken as the next Directive.

@priority=Major @CISMID=1234 @Environment=This is a long environment String @Component=xxx @Summary=1Meldung mit Melder test1 import 2Meldung mit Melder 3Meldung mit Melder 4Meldung mit Melder

Colon Suffix Simple Case

Note1, Directive block is at the start of the email and contains no empty lines between Directives
Note2, The 'body' content is separated from the Directive block by an empty line

priority: Major Company: xxx CISMID: 567 Component: xxx Summary: 1Meldung mit Melder test1 import 2Meldung mit Melder 3Meldung mit Melder 4Meldung mit Melder

Muli-line value Case

This example shows how a mulit-line value can be injected through directives. A limitation of this approach is that content included must not start with something matching '@key=' which would be taken as the next Directive.

priority: Major CISMID: 1234 Environment: This is a long environment String Component: xxx Summary: 1Meldung mit Melder test1 import 2Meldung mit Melder 3Meldung mit Melder 4Meldung mit Melder

Subject based Simple Case

The subject based field processor allows a sub-set of fields to be set:

Subject: This is a subject #priority=Major #CISMID=1234 #components="xyz,def" #fieldX="something with spaces"

For further examples see the JEMH Profile Configuration screen, each field processor entry shows an example at the bottom of the screen when enabled.

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