Enable Auto Labelling


You have email, and want to automatically tokenise the subject, labelling the created issue.



  • enable/disable creation of new labels, allows for controlled label use

  • ignore some labels

  • perform substitutions from one (provided) value to another

Enable Auto Labelling

Edit the Profile you wish to have labelling enabled by going to the JEMH Configuration screen > profiles

On the right click the three dots to edit that profile.

Look at the Email > Auto Labelling section, if labelling has not been enabled you will see:

Edit the Email configuration using the pen icon:

Press Labels header:



Auto Labelling Enabled

Enables automatic labelling

Can Create Labels

Enables email to drive dynamic creation of labels

Auto Add Suggestions

Use the internal JIRA suggestion framework to add all suggestions for all given tokens (words)

Add Unique Originals

(dependent on auto-add) Add any original tokens that are not in final list after adding all suggestions

Capture Mode

How to obtain tokens for label creation, current options are Full Subject, Subject after delimiter, and both

Minimum Label Characters

Minimum characters a token should have to be considered for labelling

Maximum Label Characters

Maximum characters a token should have to be considered for labelling

Auto Labelling Delimiter

User definable delimiter for subject, consider this value carefully!


Save required for ignores/substitutions

Token ignores and substitutions cannot be done at this time, a save is required. Re-editing will then allow a further level of editing.

Now, leave the Capture Mode setting as 'Full Subject', tick all the boxes and hit submit.


If you now re-edit the Email section, a new edit area is now available at the end of the Auto Labelling section:

Ignores and Substitutions

Clicking the pen icon will now show the configuration for Ignores and Substitutions:

Creating an Ignore value

Clicking on 'New Ignored Word' will allow a new value to be entered:


Ignores: Bulk Upload

There is also a form entry that can be pasted with content, one word per line, as shown below:

Hit 'submit query' to upload the content, to result in:

Creating a Substitution Value

Clicking on 'new substitution' will allow a new substitution value to be entered:

After saving, the result is shown, illustrating the email provided label candidate and its to-be substitute:

Substitution: Bulk Upload

In a similar way to the Ignore bulk upload, the text area in the Substitution section allows key=value entries (one per line) to be inserted and uploaded for en-mass conversion.

After upload saving, the result will be shown:

Test Case Example

Test Case

Create a TestCase and set the Subject to be:

Autolabel an example ignoreme server problem yellow color waaaaaytoooooolooooong


Created Issue

The created issue shows that:

  • the word 'an' ignored as its too small

  • the word 'waaaaaytoooooolooooong' ignored as its too big

  • the ignores filter 'ignoreme'

  • substitutions replace 'color' for 'colour'

End of tutorial. Happy labelling!

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