

This section allows you to customise how the email will be pre-processed and how the Issue association is configured.

Configuration Options

Use Reprocessed Message

Some users receive emails that are technically broken, having missing start boundaries and other problems. Enabling this option causes that stored message to be re-loaded and used instead, working around some of the problems found. This option also allows Pre Processing Tasks to be used when processing the emails.

Pre Processing Tasks

This is a list of task that take place when processing email. Some of these tasks are used to fix broken elements of the email e.g. missing To address. Some tasks allow for the emails to customised to provide a specific outcome. For more info about each Pre Processing Task see:

The current Pre Processing Tasks are:

  • Local Address Removal Task

  • Missing To: Address Task

  • Potential Spam Header Locater

  • Illegal Disposition Attribute Task

  • Missing From: Address Task

  • Groupwise Addressee

  • Content Type Mapper

  • Single quoted contentype Removal Task

  • Invalid Content Transfer Encoding remover

  • Mime Multipart boundary updater

  • Semi-colon address separator Removal Task

  • Quoted Address Removal

  • Single Leading Quoted Personal Fixer

  • Trailing Dot Address Removal

  • Double Route Address Removal

  • Content Disposition Filename with unquoted filenames

  • MySQL Subject Cleaner

  • Script Task

Merge Re-sent messages

Once sent, if a message is re-sent, it is not a reply-to but a copy, enable this, to match the re-sent message to the issue (subject to Thread Matching Limits)

Thread Matching

Disable Thread Checking

Thread checking correlates email's through reply-to fields, this field allows that correlation to be disabled, leaving just subject-based issue key detection as a basis for association.

Thread Matching Condition

This is a condition that is used to determine whether an incoming mail is threaded to an existing issue. Current options are:

  • None

  • Open Issues Only

  • Open or Resolved In Last 30days

  • Not With Resolutions

  • Issue Matches JQL

Not With Resolutions

Issues with configured resolutions will not be commented on. Only applicable when Thread Matching Condition is set to ‘NotWithResolutions’.

JQL Query

Thread matching will be ignored if the associated issue does not match the specified JQL query. Only applies when Thread Matching Condition is set to ‘Issue Matches JQL’.

Enforce rejection

If using create and comment mode, force rejection rather than create issue.

Notify of Thread Match Reject

When Profile operating is in Commenting Only mode, messages that do not resolve to a pre-existing issue will be rejected. If this is enabled, a specific customisation notification about that will be sent to the sender.

Use Issue Custom Field for Reject Sender

Defines the Custom Field of where the Reject Sender address can be found.

Body Format Preference

Defines the body format preference that should be used when processing the email. The options are:

  • Text

  • HTML

From Address Parse Order

Defines the order that the Email headers will check in when searching for the sender address. Current options are:

  • Reply-To: then From:

  • From: then Reply-To:

Ignore Subject Issue Keys If...

If the addressee ( matches a known project key and projectAutoAssign is enabled, the subject will not be used as a basis for a comment, and will be created in the nominated project instead

Subject IssueKey (comment) Regexps

One or more regular expressions used to find issue keys in email subjects. Comma separated patterns will be evaluated in the order provided.

Forwarded Email Subject Prefixes

Emails with a subject matching case insensitively any of these prefixes will be considered as 'forwarded' and not be subject to content stripping.

Global Subject Cleanup Regexps

Regexps that are used to remove matching words/characters from the email subject. This is applied to emails that are processed by this Profile.

Global Body Cleanup Regexps

Regexps that are used to remove matching words/characters from the body content. This is applied to emails that are processed by this Profile.

Normalise Newlines

If enabled, will cause more than two consecutive newlines to be replaced with exactly two newlines (one empty line) to remove unnecessary newlines.

Prefix content with a Comment Header

Defines the type of users that a Comment Header will be applied to. Current options are:

  • Disabled

  • Non-Jira users

  • Both Jira and Non-Jira users

No Comment Header Addresses

CSV list of from addresses that shouldn’t have comment headers attached.

Eat empty lines leading an email

Some mail systems will inject empty lines into the email content. This option will remove these empty lines to reduce processing issues.


Removes the quoted (replied to) content of mails can be stripped (see bodyRegexp also)

Pre-validate Custom Field values

Validates provided Directive values for Select, MultiSelect and CascadingSelect (1 level) custom fields early, reducing 'false' directive hits.

Email Sent Date CF

Defines the Custom Field that the Sent Date will be added to.

Processing throttle

Delays processing of each email by the configured number of seconds.

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