Import additional classes into groovy
Import additional classes into groovy
Some packages that exist in Java, do not exist in groovy. If you want to use these packages you will need to import them.
For example, Groovy doesn’t have a regex package, if you want to use regex you need to import it as shown:
Example of importing and using regex class
import java.util.regex.Pattern;//imports regex pattern class
def pattern = Pattern.compile("test: [a-z]+")
assert pattern.class == Pattern;
print('pattern class: '+pattern.class);
def matcher = pattern.matcher(subject);
print("matched value: " + matcher.group(1)); //Prints out the matched value
result.setValue(matcher.group(1)); //Sets the value to matched Regex
for more information on importing with groovy see the following page: https://groovy-lang.org/structure.html
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