Static Resources

Static Resources


Static Resources are files that have been uploaded to JEMHCloud that can be selected to be included in notifications as attachments or as secured inlined images. They can be added to emails by selecting them in email notification mappings, ad-hoc, post function notifications or by adding a velocity script in custom templates.

Creating new static resource

  1. Select the Create button to add a new attachment.

  2. Once selected you will need to fill in a form:


Defines the Project that the static resource can be used within. Leave blank to apply to all Projects.


Brief Description which will appear in the previous screen to describe what the resource is used for.


Select the files to upload. Up to 20 files can be selected at once

Zip File

You can select a .zip file up to 10 MB that contains the relevant files

3. Once file has been uploaded you will see a lozenge confirming the upload was complete:

Getting the velocity Script:

Once uploaded you should see a new resource item as shown below:

The Template Script in this example $jemhUtils.addStaticResourceAttachment(206) can be added to a Theme macro or Template associated with a valid theme (donated in the Theme Column of an image item). When this is added to a velocity theme/template set. The resulting email notification will have an attachment attached.

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