


Translations allow JEMHCloud users to localise and customise the translation of labels and values when a notification is being sent. This feature allow you to:

  • Change the email notification language.

  • Use the user's language inferring it from its email address. 

  • Change one or more labels in the system templates.

Creating a Default Translation

Translations are located under Notifications > Templates, creating a new one allows you to define the locale (informational only) and set regexps matching email domains that when sent to will use this message bundle.

The first translation added will become the default for all message key expansions, and will be used if no regexp addresses match or a key is not found in earlier bundles.  By customizing the default to a localized language, the system default English can be translated into whatever default is required.

  1. Go to Notifications > Translations > Create

  2. Select a Language or Locale for reference. Spanish in our case, but you can be more specific selecting the country as well.  

  3. Leave email regexes empty to use this language as default for notifications

  4. System labels are pre-loaded in the content field, from where you can change/translate the values into the required language.

  5. When saved, the entry will be shown.


  6. In the above example, when sending any email from JEMHCloud, its language will be in Spanish:

Creating a Translation determined by recipient email address

In a similar way, you can create a translation that will be activated depending on the recipient's email address.  In this example we will provide a translation for french speakers. 

  1. Go to Notifications > Translations > Create

  2. Select a Language or Locale for reference, French in this case.

  3. Enter regular expression CSV matching known French speaking domains. For example: .*\.fr, .*\.be, .*\.lu, .*\.cd, .*\.lu,  .*\.ne

  4. System labels are pre-loaded in the content field. Translate labels to French and save.

  5. When saved, the entry will be shown.


Translation of Values

Allowed values in some fields are static. Examples of these fields are issue type (Bug, Task, New Feature), priority (Major, Critical, Blocker), etc. As you can see, the labels are in English as JIRA provides them. JEMHCloud allows you to localize these values for notification using the translations. 

Although some fields are user provided, their values are fairly static and you may want to translate them. Example of these fields are Components, Labels, custom check-boxes or radio buttons, custom selects, etc. 

The key of a value translation follows the pattern:

<fieldId>.value.<value>=The translation of <value>

Examples are:

priority.value.Major=Importante issuetype.value.Task=Tarea issuetype.value.New\u0020Feature=Nueva Funcionalidad components.value.My\u0020Component=Mi Componente customfield_10100.value.TheValue=El Valor ....

Spaces are not allowed in keys and they need to be replaced with \u0020

Although the allowed keys depend on your JIRA configuration, the basic set of keys to translate values is:

issuetype.value.Improvement= issuetype.value.Task= issuetype.value.Sub-task= issuetype.value.New\u0020Feature= issuetype.value.Bug= issuetype.value.Improvement= priority.value.Blocker= priority.value.Critical= priority.value.Major= priority.value.Minor= priority.value.Trivial= status.value.Open= status.value.In\u0020Progress= status.value.Reopened= status.value.Resolved= status.value.Closed= status.value.To\u0020Do= status.value.In\u0020Review= status.value.Done=

It's user job to maintain value keys and their translations. JEMHCloud team cannot known all the possible values and it cannot translate them to every language.

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