Render Custom content based on field changes

Render Custom content based on field changes


Within JEMHC all field updates use a centralized template (Issue Updated) and can be merged into the same event. The below example shows to include custom messages based on which field has been changed along side showing all of the included field changes.


Within this example it uses the Jira Theme and renders a custom message when the Status Field has been changed. To use with the default templates, you can enter this custom macro within JEMHC > Notifications > Custom Macros

Within the below example, it contains a If statement which checks if the fieldId is “status” and if so then it will render the custom message, if it is not “status” then it would perform the default rendering for the field changes. The custom if statement starts at line 45.

#macro ( jemhIncludeChangeLog) #if($context.transition) <tr> <th> $context.transition.transitionName.textValue(): </th> <td> <ul style="display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0;"> <li style=" display: inline;"> $jemhUtils.setFieldRendered() <span style="background-color:#ffe7e7;text-decoration:line-through">$context.transition.from_status.textValue()</span> &gt; <span style="background-color:#ddfade">$context.transition.to_status.textValue()</span> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> #end #if (!$serviceJiraUpdateFields) #set ($serviceJiraUpdateFields = []) #end #set($changelogContext = $jemhUtils.getChangeLogsByShowFields($context, $serviceJiraUpdateFields)) #if($changelogContext && $changelogContext.size() > 0) #set($entrySet = $changelogContext.entrySet()) #if($entrySet && $entrySet.size() > 0) <tr> <th> <h3>$messageUtils.getMessage('updates')</h3> </th> </tr> #foreach ($aMapEntry in $entrySet) #set ($timestamp = $aMapEntry.key) #foreach($aEntry in $aMapEntry.value.entrySet()) #set ($author = $aEntry.key) <tr> <th> #userJemhIncludeStandardActionHeader($author.accountId, $timestamp) </th> </tr> #foreach($aChangelogMap in $aEntry.value) #set ($changeLogMap = $jemhUtils.indexChangeLogByField($aChangelogMap)) #if($changeLogMap) #foreach( $fieldId in $changeLogMap.keySet() ) ## Start of custom If Statement ## #if($fieldId == "status") <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td> <table> #foreach( $item in $changeLogMap.get($fieldId)) ## Start of custom Content ## <p> This issue has been transitioned to $!jemhUtils.htmlEscape($!jemhUtils.renderValue($context.issue, $fieldId, $jemhUtils.getChangeLogToValue($item))) ## End of custom Content ## #end </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> #else ## Else to perform default field update rendering (so field changes are not missed) <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td>#getFieldName($fieldId):</td> <td> <table> #foreach( $item in $changeLogMap.get($fieldId)) $jemhUtils.setFieldRendered() #if($fieldId == 'WorklogId') #set( $worklog = $jemhUtils.getWorklogById($context.issue, $jemhUtils.getChangeLogToValue($item))) #if(!$jemhUtils.isNull($worklog) ) <tr style=" display: inline;"> #if($foreach.count>1) <hr> #end <a href="$jemhUtils.getUserProfileUrl($worklog.author)">$jemhUtils.htmlEscape($jemhUtils.getUserDescription( $worklog.author))</a> : $!worklog.timeSpent.asText() <p>$jemhUtils.wikiToHtml($worklog.comment.asText())</p> </tr> #end #else <tr style=" display: inline;"> <div> <span style="background-color:#ffe7e7;text-decoration:line-through"> $!jemhUtils.htmlEscape($!jemhUtils.renderValue($context.issue, $fieldId, $jemhUtils.getChangeLogFromValue($item)))</span>&gt;<span style="background-color:#ddfade">$!jemhUtils.htmlEscape($!jemhUtils.renderValue($context.issue, $fieldId, $jemhUtils.getChangeLogToValue($item)))</span> </div> </tr> #end #end </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> #end #end #end #end #end #end #end #end #end