Domain Rule

Domain Rule


This rule checks the sender or recipient addresses of an email for a match against the user-defined value.  This value is regular expression capable, meaning that a pattern can be defined instead to allow matches to many different addresses.

Creating a Domain Rule

  1. Go to Profile > (Non-Default) Project Mapping > Domain Rules and press New Domain mapping

  2. This will then open the configuration for the Domain Rule. Here you define the Email Domain Rule and who to match against and then you press save.


  3. Once the configuration is entered and saved you will be able to see the configuration within the Domain Rule summary.

Configuration Options

Email Domain Rules

A CSV list of Regular expressions that is used to match against the Sender or the Addressee (CatchEmail).

From JEMH v4.1.12 (Jira9+) the addressee values also act as catch email addresses and do not require duplicates in Profile > Email > Catch Email Address.

Catch email to match (Mailbox/sender)

This allows you to define who you would like to match against. Current options are:

  1. Match against the (mailbox catchemail) addressee - addresses found within the To/Cc header.

  2. Match against the sender of the email - address found within the From header.

Note: Domain rules, which are matched against mailbox catchemail addressee(s), must not match Profile > Notifications > Forward User/email as this causes a mail loop. As of JEMH v4.2.12, entering a match will result in an edit time error:


Multiple addressees from one mailbox

In order to support multiple addressees from one mailbox, various strategies can be used (a) gmail supports mailbox Aliases (the Alias address is retained as a Delivered-To header), (b) o365 supports Aliases but sadly doesn't yet retain it, (c) you may use a mailbox such as Postfix that supports "all" recipients in a subdomain to be retrievable through one account (eg tickets.yourco.net).