Format configuration

Format configuration


This is where you define the HTML conversions rules for this project. As Jira cloud uses Wiki Markup within the Issue view, it means that JEMHC needs to convert the HTML tags into the Relevant Wiki Markup tags so that the issue description/Comment will use the same formatting as the incoming HTML email.

Whitespace Settings

This defines when White spaces should be added to the Description/Comment when converting the relevant HTML tags. The current options are None, New-line-before, Before-and-after and New-line-after which can be applied to the following HTML Tags:

  • Tables (TABLE)

  • Div (DIV)

  • Paragraph (P)

  • Span (SPAN)

  • Image (IMG)

  • Break (BR)

Rich Formatting

This section defines if and how certain formats should be converted into Wiki Markup. Current options are:





Tables (TABLE)

  1. None - No formatting will be applied.

  2. Wiki - Will be converted to use Wiki markup.

Link (A)

  1. None - Will not be formatted within issue

  2. Summary - Extracts all Links and adds a summary of all links to the bottom of the Description/Comment.

  3. Inline - Will render the link within the Description/Comment.

Blockquote (BLOCKQUOTE)

  1. None - Quoted text will not be formatted as a quote

  2. Quoted - This will retain the Quoted text format.

Code (CODE)

  1. Code - Keeps Code block formatting

  2. Code-with-title - Keeps Code block formatting and includes the title.

  3. No Format - Does not keep the Code block formatting

Heading Level (H1, H2, etc.)

  1. None - Will not format any headings

  2. h1 - Will only format headings that are h1

  3. h2 - Only formats headings that are h1 or h2

  4. h3 - Only formats headings that are h1, h2 or h3

  5. h4 - Only formats headings that are h1, h2, h3 or h4

  6. h5 - Only formats headings that are h1, h2, h3, h4 or h5

Ordered List (OL)

  1. None - Does not format Ordered Lists

  2. On - Keeps the Ordered List format

Unordered List (UL)

  1. None - Does not format Unordered Lists

  2. On - Keeps the Unordered List format.

Horizontal Rule (HR)

  1. None - Horizontal Rule will not be included within Description/Comment

  2. With-No-whitespace - Applies Horizontal Rule with no whitespace between the rule and text

  3. With-whitespace - Applies Horizontal Rule with a whitespace between the rule and text

  4. Textline - Adds the Horizontal Rule using “----” instead of the Divider element.

Image (IMG)

  1. None - This will not include the image within the Description/Comment.

  2. Full-size - Inline image as full-size

  3. Thumbnail - Inlines Thumbnail version of image.

  4. See-attached - Adds (See attached) tag where the image should be inlined within the text.

  5. Full-size (exclude external URLs) - Inlines image as full-size. This option will not inline images added by external URLs.

  6. Thumbnail (exclude external URLs) - Inlines Thumbnail version of image. This option will not inline images added by external URLs.

  7. See-attached (exclude external URLs) - Adds (See attached) tag where the image should be inlined within the text. This option will not add a tag for images added by external URLs.

Image (IMG) attributes

This is where you define some additional image attributes that will be applied to all inlined images

Text Formatting

This section defines if and how certain styles should be converted into Wiki Markup. Current options are:





Superscript (SUP)

  1. None - This will not superscript the values when found within HTML

  2. On - Will superscript values when found within HTML. e.g. a2

Subscript (SUB)

  1. None - This will not subscript the relevant values when found within HTML

  2. On - Will subscript values when found within HTML. e.g. a2

Text Colour

  1. None - This will not apply any colour changes to text.

  2. On - Applies the colour changes for the relevant text.

Bold (B)

  1. None - Will not show text using the Bold format

  2. On - Will show text using the Bold format

Italic (I)

  1. None - Will not show text using the Italic format

  2. On - Will show text using the Italic format

Underline (U)

  1. None - This will not underline any text

  2. On - This will underline the relevant text

Strike (STRIKE)

  1. None - This will not strikethrough any text

  2. On - Will strikethrough the relevant text. e.g. text


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