Format configuration
This is where you define the HTML conversions rules for this project. As Jira cloud uses Wiki Markup within the Issue view, it means that JEMHC needs to convert the HTML tags into the Relevant Wiki Markup tags so that the issue description/Comment will use the same formatting as the incoming HTML email.
Whitespace Settings
This defines when White spaces should be added to the Description/Comment when converting the relevant HTML tags. The current options are None, New-line-before, Before-and-after and New-line-after which can be applied to the following HTML Tags:
Tables (TABLE)
Div (DIV)
Paragraph (P)
Span (SPAN)
Image (IMG)
Break (BR)
Rich Formatting
This section defines if and how certain formats should be converted into Wiki Markup. Current options are:
HTML Tag | Options |
Tables (TABLE) |
Link (A) |
Blockquote (BLOCKQUOTE) |
Code (CODE) |
Heading Level (H1, H2, etc.) |
Ordered List (OL) |
Unordered List (UL) |
Horizontal Rule (HR) |
Image (IMG) |
Image (IMG) attributes | This is where you define some additional image attributes that will be applied to all inlined images |
Text Formatting
This section defines if and how certain styles should be converted into Wiki Markup. Current options are:
HTML Tag | Option |
Superscript (SUP) |
Subscript (SUB) |
Text Colour |
Bold (B) |
Italic (I) |
Underline (U) |
Strike (STRIKE) |