Inbound Messages

Inbound Messages


Here we show outcome of all mail received. If its not listed, JEMHC never got the mail (in full). For a limited time the mail is available here for review, and can be re-executed or converted in to a JEMHC Test Case for further testing.

Retention of inbound/outbound mail is for diagnostic purposes, we currently have a rolling limit of 100 notifications. Retention can be opted-out, re-enabling requires contacting support@thepluginpeople.com


Audit Functions

For each inbound message there is a range of functions that can assist with diagnosing issues. These functions are:

View report

This will show the Processing report for that email including any errors found.

Go To Profile

This takes you the configuration for the Profile that was used to process this email.


This exports the email as text file allowing you to view the full email before processing

View HTML Body

If found, this will view the content that is found within the HTML format section of the email.

View Text Body

If found, this will views the content that can be found within Text format section of the email.

View Source

This views the entire email including all headers and message parts.

Generate Test Case

This creates a Test Case using this email. Test cases are found within JEMHC > Test Cases. See the following page for more info about Test Cases: Test Cases


This will re-process the email. If successful then it will result in another issue/comment being created.


This will delete the email from the audit page.

Flag for Support

This will flag the message for support which will allow PPL Support to view the original email, processing report and an export of the Profile.

Maintenance traffic

The Inbound Messages auditing page allows you to find traffic that is maintenance, that represent messages that did not create or update an issue. Typically, such messages are not addressed to a recipient that has been set as a catchemail (mailbox) address in the Profile. We know this can also be due to manually using the mailbox account and sending mail (tell tale sign is that the mail in is from your inbound mailbox address).

Locate maintenance traffic by filtering on Usage : Maintenance In

You should locate the source of maintenance traffic and remove as it will consume your Plan for no real benefit. Left unchecked, high levels of maintenance can consume all your monthly capacity, and result in service interruption until more is purchased!

Viewing Report

Within the Report it will show the relevant information about the processing of that email. This includes the sender user, the issue that was created and any errors that has stopped the processing of the email.

This will display a report similar to the following.


Inbound Message Operation

For each incoming message there will be a Operation status which defines the outcome of processing that message. Below are the statuses that are currently used within the Incoming Messages auditing page.






There was no errors with the processing of the email and has resulted in a new issue being created.


There was no errors with the processing of the email and has resulted in a new comment being added to the relevant issue.

No CatchEmail match

This means that a Profile Catch Email Address could be found within the email. This results in a forward email being sent or this email being dropped and not processed.

Error Processing

This means that there was an error while processing the email. The details about the error will be found within the processing report for the email. An example error is that the sender is not already involved on the issue.

Message Dropped

This occurs when there is a outcome of Dropped whilst processing the email. For example, the email does not related to an existing issue and the profile is configured to only comment on issues.

Directive Set Link

The email is sent when a Directive Set Link has been triggered. See the following page for more info about Directive Sets: Directive Sets

No Change

The email relates to an existing issue but it does not result in any values being changed and no comment being added.


When the email contains a sender, recipient or a Subject that the Profile is configured to exclude.

Precedence Bulk

When the email contains a Precedence Bulk header and the Profile is configured to Drop/Format these emails.

Limit Exceeded

This occurs when:

  • The email content has too many characters

  • The commenting issue has exceeded the configured Profile comment count.

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