How do email address get mapped to custom fields

How do email address get mapped to custom fields

JIRA users

1. (From: ) Email > SENDER PROCESSING: JIRA-USER > Assign jira-users User to Multi User Picker CustomField: some multipicker field
2. (Recipients)

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > Addressee Handling: toCustomField

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > JIRA account holders to MultiUser Custom FieldtoCustomField

Non-JIRA users

1. (From: ) Email > SENDER PROCESSING: NON JIRA-USER > Assign non jira-users Email to Text CustomField: some text muliline field
2. (Recipients)

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > Addressee Handling: toCustomField

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > Assign non jira-user Email to Text CustomField: some text multiline field

Non-JIRA users on CC

1. (Recipients)

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > Addressee Handling: toCustomField

  • Email > ADDRESSEE PROCESSING > CC Email Custom Field: some text multiline field

The multiuser pickers and text custom fields can be the same or different. The selection of toCustomField is mandatory, the selection of toWatcher (its a multiselect) is not.