Opt-out of Google Analytics anonymous reporting

Opt-out of Google Analytics anonymous reporting

Google Analytics is enabled by default to help us collect information regarding how JEMHCloud is used, the information collected lets us see for instance, what pages of JEMHCloud are used the most and what parts of JEMHCloud are used the least. In turn with this data we can focus future improvements towards the areas that are most used.

Step-by-step guide

Below is a simple guide to easily disable the anonymous reporting. 

  1. On your main JEMHCloud Navigation bar click Licensing

  2. On the left hand side menu now click on Host Information.


  3. In the middle of the screen you will now see Anonymous Reporting that is enabled as default. To disable the anonymous information being collected by Google Analytics simply press Disable/No. 


JEMH Cloud uses Google Analytics to help improve usability and the customer experience. Google Analytics may record mouse clicks, actions and navigation.


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