Notification Schemes and JEMHC

Notification Schemes and JEMHC

This page describes the relationship between Notification Schemes and JEMHC

Notification Schemes

JIRA Notification Schemes are driven by JIRA based on the 'event' concerned, eg ISSUE_RESOLVED.  Notification Schemes and these events are internal to JIRA.  External AddOns like JEMHC receive notifications through WebHooks that offer a condensed set of events (Created, Updated, Deleted, Worklog Updated) so notifications out of the box can only be for these event types.  Related to Notification Schemes, its also not currently possible to access notification schemes remotely via REST ( https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-217 ), just legacy SOAP which is deprecated anyway.

Notification Audience

JEMHC is driven through Notifications > Notification Mappings > Mapping > Target Audience, this is made up of a) email addresses stored in custom fields, and b) issue entities, like Reporter, AllWatchers etc.  Currently anyone listed will get notified for events received, there is no filtering yet.

Customizing Templates

Whilst JEMHC receives limited events, it is possible to infer kinds of changes through the fields that were changed.  Every WebHook received is stored for a short time, giving you an opportunity to covert it to a Render Context.  This can be used in the TemplateSet editor to preview changes, to check for specific changed fields and modify the notification accordingly.  Strategies for doing this in a sane way are largely to create Macro method calls that render the required content, and use the main updated template as the logic to control what content is selected.

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