


Directives are commands given to JEMH Cloud that determine how Jira issue fields (and custom fields) are set. Their primary use is to allow fields to be populated with values via email. The location and format of the data used for directives depends on the Field Processor selected to parse incoming emails.

Field processors by directive location in email







#Prefix Field Processor

  • @Prefix Field Processor

  • Colon Suffix Field Processor

  • Nagios Field Processor

  • Regexp Field Processor

  • X-JEMH Header Field Processor

Example directive formats

Field Processor



Field Processor



X-JEMH Header Field Processor


X-JEMH-issueKey: JDP-19 X-JEMH-description: Hello, World!


#Prefix Field Processor


#description="Hello, World!" [#issueKey=JDP-19]


  • This field processor parses the email subject only

  • String values are wrapped with quotation marks

@Prefix Field Processor


@description=Hello, World! @issueKey=JDP-19 This line is the start of the email text content. Note the blank separating line above.


  • Keys are prefixed with an at-symbol @

  • Directive must be located at the top of the email body

  • There must be one newline between directive lines otherwise value is considered multi-line

  • Multi-line fields will continue until end of body, or until another directive is found

  • The end of the directives and start of actual body content is denoted by the use of one empty line between between Directives and Body

Colon Suffix Field Processor


description:Hello, World! issueKey:JDP-19


  • Keys suffixed with a colon :

  • Directive must be located at the top of the email body

  • There must be one newline between directive lines

  • Multi-line fields will continue until end of body, or until another directive is found

Nagios Field Processor


Regexp Field Processor


Enabling directive use with field processors

Be default directives found within inbound mail won't get processed by JEMHC. You need to determine when Directives should be processed:

  • Profile > Mapping > Field Processors > General Configuration > Apply field processors (Off | On Create | On Comment | On Create/Comment)


Selecting field processors

Each type of field processor must be enabled within the 'Field Processors' view of your desired project mapping. Configurations applied to your default project mapping will also apply to any other project mapping contained within the same profile, unless they themselves set things differently.

All enabled Field Processors go through an election to determine which one should process the mail. They aren’t additive, the Field Processor with the most directives found will be used.


Supported Directives

Re-implementing support for Directives in JEMHC will be an ongoing activity.  This page reflects the status of support for modifying issues through Directives, processed by Field Processors. Dependent on priority level i.e. Mapping Rule level directives overrides Project Mapping level directives and Project Mapping level directives overrides Default Project Mapping inheritance level directives.


On Create

On Comment



On Create

On Comment



Replaces existing summary


Replaces both from address and profile's default reporter


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Replaces profile's default, If the assignee is not assignable, the message will be rejected


Issue type is specially important because the metadata depends on it. If not valid for the project, the message will be rejected


N/A, JEMH will comment the issue if it exists

Yes, changes issue to be commented/updated taking precedence over the issue key in subject, mime header threading and the associated issue to the mime message id.

Equality condition and custom JQL are supported (1.0.86+), JEMHC resolves the first not resolved issue that matches the criteria.


  • Issue Key: @issueKey=PKEY-123

  • Equality: @issueKey=Custom Field=Some Value

  • JQL: @issueKey='Custom Field' ~ 'Some Value'

  • JQL: @issueKey='External Id' ~ '#12345' and project = 'PKEY'


Possible UC could be replying to a subtask issue with @parentIssueKey changing the parent. For some reason, JIRA is not updating subtask's parent through REST.

See Can I change sub-task parent using REST?


CSV splitting the field processor value, not taking in consideration any escaping

Label values are added with the labels set in issue parameters in the Profile.



Replaces the post processed body of the email


Create: Adds the directive's value as a comment after the issue has been created.

Comment: Uses as body of the comment replacing the body of the post processed email


Yes - Set

Yes - Update

Not escaped CSV. If one of components in the list is invalid, it will be ignored (with reporting)


Yes - It changes where the issue will be created ignoring the project key in profile

Yes but it just used as validation. Comment fails if the resolved issue key doesn't belongs to the project

Project is also important as metadata depends on it. Validation in UI can fail during processing. e.g: some custom fields or issue type is not available in the directive's project.

When using this directive we recommend also using the issueType directive to ensure that a valid issueType is used during issue creation.



Not possible to change

Service Desk’s request type. Name or id can be provided. For example:

#requestType=Other Questions



Replaces profile's default due date

Epic Label


It set the epic label of the create or updated issue only if the issue is of type Epic 

@Epic Label=The Epic Label

Epic Link

Value can be either the key or the label of the target epic.

@Epic Link=SCRUM-123

@Epic Link=The Epic Label



it assigns the issue to a sprint.

@Sprint=6 (Sprint with id 6)

@Sprint=Board Name:Sprint Name

@Sprint=Board Name (Active sprint in board 'Board Name')




@watchers=someJiraUserName, someJiraUserEmail@myCompany.com


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Yes - Set


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Not escaped CSV. If one of versions in the list is invalid, it will be ignored (with reporting). affectsVersions is actually the field labeled 'Affected Versions' in the Jira issue view.


Not escaped CSV. If one of versions in the list is invalid, it will be ignored (with reporting).


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


- Set

- Update

The field name is 'security'


Not supported yet

Not supported yet

Attachment is not a field


Not supported yet

Not supported yet

Worklog directives

Not supported yet

Not supported yet

All the directives related to work-log


Not supported yet

Not supported yet


Resolution defaults to Fixed. Only One transition permitted (so far). Basic version. The transition is applied after everything else: update issue, comment issue, upload attachments

workflow:Start Progress

@workflow=Close Issue


Resolution is set if it's allowed in the transition, e.g. workflow:Close Issue



A workflow field is set if it is allowed in the transition or it is allowed in the issue after the transition has been applied.

workflow.params.description:The description applied during or after the transition

workflow.params.customfield_10001:Custom Field Value


Not supported yet

Not supported yet

custom fields

Set overriding default custom field values but not the custom fields used for email only users

Update (including custom fields used for email only users)


if there is a @comment directive

If the issue is a Jira Service Management request, @internalComment=true or @internalComment=yes (case insensitive) marks the created comment as being internal. Otherwise @internalComment=* marks the comment as public (shared with customer). The directive overrides the Project Mapping's 'Service Desk Comment Mode' configuration.

Users may find it useful to create @internal @public directive aliases from @internalComent=true/false respectively.


Custom Fields validated

The following built in custom field types have been validated.  Some are automatically set. 

You can use either field name (case insensitive) or field id (like customfield_10001) as directive key. Multiple values are comma separated.

Examples are using colon notation.  At notation (@key=value) and subject notation (#key="value") are also possible


Example Value


Example Value


custom checkboxes: option 1, Option 2

Custom Google Map Field

Not supported yet

Customer Request Type

Supported for create operation. JIRA raises an unexpected runtime exception on issue update.


@Customer Request Type=bsd/get-it-help

Read more about the value format in this wiki page.


Allowed values are organization names or id (number). One or more organizations can be entered using comma separated values. 

@Organizations=Company A, 123

Date of First Response

Not supported yet

Date Picker

custom date picker: 29/7/2011

(Using default format of d/MM/yy)


custom date picker: 29-Jul-2011
custom date pickerFormat: dd-MMM-yyyy

(Second directive defines the format, it's the field name following 'Format')

Date Time Picker

custom date time picker: 29/7/2011 10:50 PM

(Using default format of dd/MM/yy h:mm a)


custom date time picker: 29-Jul-2011 10:50 PM
custom date time pickerFormat: dd-MMM-yyyy h:mm a

(Second directive defines the format, it's the field name following 'Format')

Global Rank

Not supported yet

Group Picker (multiple groups)

Not supported yet

Group Picker (single group)

Not supported yet

Hidden Job Switch

Not supported yet

JIRA Agile Released Version History

Not supported yet

Job Checkbox

Not supported yet


custom labels: label1, label2

Multi Remote Object Link

Not supported yet

Number Field

custom number: 10

Project Picker (single project)

custom project picker: PKEY (Or name)

Radio Buttons

custom radio buttons: option1

Remote ObjectLink

Not supported yet

Remote System Reference

Not supported yet

Select List (cascading)

custom cascading select: Parent Option, Child Option

Select List (multiple choice)

custom multiple select: Option 1, option 2

Select List (single choice)

custom single list: Option 1

Tempo Account

Account: SomeAccountKey

Text Field (multi-line)

my custom multline field: line 1 line 2 line 3

Text Field (read only)

custom text field read only: read only line

Text Field (single line)

custom text: only one line

Time In Status

Not supported yet

URL Field

custom url field: https://www.somehost.com/path

User Picker (multiple users)

custom multiple user picker: admin, someoneelse

User Picker (single user)

custom user picker: admin

UUID Field

Not supported yet

Version Picker (multiple versions)

custom multiple version: 2.1,2.3

Version Picker (single version)

custom single version: 2.1

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