


This field processor allows field values to be set based on matching regexp values found in the inbound email subject and body. 

This page is about the configuration options that are available. For a full detailed explanation and explanations, see https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/l/cp/WN5siMT1.

Example usage

Here is an example email where this processor is used to set the assignee field and myCustomField custom field values, found in the inbound mails body.  For an extensive list of supported field types, please see Directives.

Example Usage regexp configuration, asserting assignee and custom field values, scoped to be found only in email body.


MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 18 Jun 2011 22:42:26 -0700 (PDT) Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 17:42:26 +1200 Message-ID: <BANLkTinB1mfSh+GwOXGNWoL4SyDvOpdBoQ@mail.gmail.com> Subject: [#12345678] This is a starting email template, update as required From: andy@faraway.com To: notest@localhost Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 This is a test formatted email. This is the body of the text. assignee=username myCustomField=setThisValuePlease This is also part of the email body.

When found within the email it will state within the report that a directive was found.


Configuration Options


This defines where within the email to search for this value. Current options are:

  • Subject

  • Body

  • Body and Subject


This is the Regex that should be used to find the relevant value/pattern within the email.


This is the Field that the value should be applied to.

Retrieve Strategy

This defines which value should be applied if there are multiple matches. Current Options are:

  • First Matching Value - This will only add the first found value to the Custom Field.

  • All Matching Values (CSV) - This will add all values to the Custom Field using CSV format.

Expected Value

This is the expected value that should be extracted from the email. This is used to validate that the Regex is configured correctly.

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