Get notified via non-email connections when a message source/outbound goes offline

Get notified via non-email connections when a message source/outbound goes offline

When an inbound email source or outbound connection has been offline for an hour, JEMHC sends an email notification to your “System Notification” email addresses. Non-email outbound connections such as Slack and SMS can also be configured to send the same notification.

Lets use an SMS connection as an example.

Navigating to JEMHC > Messaging > Outbound > SMS Transports we see a list of our current SMS connections. We already have an SMS connection set up. If you would like to know more about creating SMS connections, see Outbound SMS (Short Message Service) Transport for more details.

Editing the connection, we see a checkbox called Alternative offline notifier. Checking this setting makes a new field appear where we can specify the phone number to use in this scenario.

With the above set, offline notifications will now be sent via this SMS connection in addition to the standard email notification that JEMHC sends.

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