How to enable auto create Jira user accounts

How to enable auto create Jira user accounts

Note: Workaround user must belong to the Jira Administrators group in order to allow JEMHCloud to create customers. See Workarounds for more information.

Auto create Jira user allows you to Create Jira Users within the instance. This will grant then access to the relevant projects or Customer Portals (depending on permissions granted).

Steps to enable Auto create Jira users

The steps below will allow JEMHC to create new Jira Users and will add them to a group that provides them access to the relevant Jira Project.

  1. Set Auto create Jira user to yes

  2. Define Username Strategy. This defines how the username would be created. This can either be their Email Address or a “Squashed” version of the Personal part

  3. Define a group within Auto Join Group(s). This is the Group(s) that the newly created Jira users will be added to. Note: This group would need to have Access/a Role for the relevant Project.

  4. Enable Notify auto-created user. This will allow a notification to be sent to new Jira User allowing then to add a password and Username. This will also display some further options allowing the selection of the template to use for the registration email.

Note: The specified Auto Join Group must be given a Project role within the relevant Project, to give the users permission to create issues in that project.

All Configuration options

Username Strategy

This defines the strategy used for creating the Username. The Current options are:

  • Email Address

  • Squashed Personal - If Personal part is ‘John Doe' it will make the Username ‘JohnDoe’.

Auto Join Group(s)

List of Groups that the New Jira Users will be added to.

Include user creation by email address regex

Addresses matching these regular Expressions will be created as Jira Users. Regular Expressions can be created and tested within the Regex Tester.

Exclude user creation by email address regex

Addresses matching these Regular Expressions will not be created as a Jira user. Regular Expressions can be created and tested within the Regex Tester.

Notify auto-created user

This will send a notification the the created user.

Registration Email Notification Format

This is the format that is used for the registration email. This can be either HTML or Text.

Registration Email Template Set

This is the template set that is going to be used when sending the registration email.

Send registration Email to forward user as

Select if the profile's admin user (Forward User) should receive a copy of the registration emails sent to auto created users. Current options are:

  • None - Will not be notified

  • To

  • Cc

  • Bcc

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