Creating an outbound message connection

Creating an outbound message connection

This article explains how to create an outbound message connection in JEMH Cloud. Outbound message connections allow emails to be sent from the app. For example, you can create an email notification mapping for your projects to notify recipients of issue events if you wish.

Default connection

The first outbound message connection you create will be set as the default. Once you have more connections, you can select which one is the default. The default outbound message connection is used to notify your JEMH Cloud profiles' forward users when there is a problem during email processing.


  1. Navigate to JEMH Cloud > Messaging > Message Outbounds

  2. Click the Create button. You’ll now see the outbound message connection creation screen.

  3. First, enter a name to differentiate the connection from any others you create

  4. Choose the type of the connection to make. Some types come built-in, including ones using OAuth authentication.

  5. If you are unsure which type to choose, selecting SMTP will will offer you some presets for popular email services. Alternatively, you can manually enter your mail servers SMTP connection settings (hostname, port, SSL/TLS).

  6. Once you are sure you have entered the settings and credentials required for your outbound mail server, use the test configuration button to verify the configuration. Once verified you can then save the form using the submit button.

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