Customising the Approval Request Email Notification

Customising the Approval Request Email Notification

This documentation is a step by step guide on how to modify the approval macro to add additional customisation of the message or modify the existing message.

Steps to take

  1. Make a copy of your JSM Theme via JEMHC Configuration > Notifications > Themes > Create as shown below. More information how to do this here: Create custom Theme and Template Sets.

    A create pop up should appear. Select your Issue Updated and/or Issue Created template sets (dependant on when you approvals occur) and click submit. Example below:


  2. Select the Macro tab to view Theme Macros. Hint: If you need further changes to the CSS click the style tab.


  3. Then look for renderApprovals macro add a condition to only render the velocity snippet when approval buttons are present:

    #$approvalButtons = $jemhApprovalsManager.getApprovalButtons())set( #if($approvalButtons.size() > 0) ##Your custom stuff## #end

    Example below:


  4. Ensure your outbound notifications configuration page has been setup to handle JSM Approvals as per Approving requests via email.

  5. Update your outbound theme to reflect the theme with your Approval Macro Modifications and Submit changes.


  6. To Preview the approvals buttons, currently, you have to use JEMHC > Notifications > Preview where the recipient is picked, there you can see what Customers would see vs Agents for a given Event.

  7. Validate that your changes have been made in an actually sent test email.

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