Recent improvements

Recent improvements

Making external user issue involvement easier to control

Normally, when someone not already involved in an issue replies to an email thread relating to that issue, JEMHCloud would not proceed, as the email sender is not in a recognized field on the issue.

Until now you would have to either add the email sender to the issue, or disable Non-Jira security to allow them to comment. We’ve now added a new option called Allow uninvolved senders via threading. As the name suggests, when this setting is enabled an email sender is allowed to comment as long as their email refers to an email thread (via In-Reply-To and References headers) already known to be associated with the issue.

Configuration advisories moved to separate page

Advisories let you know of any potential issues with your profile’s set up. However, they can be distracting when you're navigating profiles and project mappings. To alleviate this, advisories are now located in their own Advisories page, accessible via the left-hand-side menu.

In addition, advisories are now specific to where you are in the profile. When inside a project mapping, the page is restricted to just showing issues related to the current mapping. Viewing advisories from the main profile page will show all advisories.

Custom field defaults configuration changes

Until now, you could only configure defaults for custom fields directly linked to the selected issue type on the project mapping. Now, we show custom fields for all issue types of the current project. A warning will be shown for custom fields not linked to the currently select issue type, explaining that they will only apply if the issue type changes during processing (say, due to directives found by a field processor).