JavaScript-powered scripting has come to JEMHCloud!

What has changed?

We are now making available several features that make use of user-provided JavaScript code, allowing custom processing behaviours to be defined.

Scripted preprocessing task

Alongside the existing scripted preprocessing task that uses Velocity templates, we now support using JavaScript. For more information, see

Scripted field processor

You can now set Jira issue fields and custom fields via JavaScript. For more information, see

Scripted project mapping rule

Project mapping selection can now be determined via JavaScript code. For more information, see

Scripted custom field default

While custom field values could already be set via Velocity, we now offer the ability to use JavaScript code instead. For more information, see

A note on capabilities

If you have previously used the respective JavaScript scripting features in our Jira Server/Data Center app, please note that you don’t have access to background services like you do on self-hosted Jira installations.

For now, you only have access to the current email’s headers and content. Scripted field processor and custom field values also have access to the issue determined to be associated with the email (if one is found). These capabilities are by no means fixed - we are just starting with a small scope before making further additions.