View template set change history

View template set change history

SINCE 3.0.14


The template set history feature tracks changes to template set content. Changes to template set content can be viewed within a version history page for each template set. A template set can be reverted to an earlier version from the list of versions.

Template set version history is useful for reverting a template set to an earlier version if a problematic change is made to the template set content. Version history can also be used to determine which user made a change to a template set, which can be useful when multiple administrators are editing template sets collaboratively.

Each time a template set is modified, a new "version" of the template set will be created as a snapshot, this version can then be restored later if required.

View template set change history

The change history for a template set can be accessed via the Template history icon in the actions menu for a template set within the Template sets section of JEMH.

Pressing the Template history button will open the history for that template set.

Clicking a row within the version table will select that version, once two versions have been selected you can then compare the content of the template set for those versions by pressing the Compare selected versions button.

The current version of the template set will be the first row in the version table and will be identical to the current content of the template set.

After pressing the comparison button a modal will appear showing the differences between the template content for the two selected versions. The text/html/subject parts of the template will be available in tabs at the top of the modal where applicable.

Restore a template set to an earlier version

A template set can be restored to an earlier version by clicking the Restore link on a version within the version list.

After restoring the template set to an earlier version, you will see a new version appear and that version will contain the current content of the template set, which will have been restored from the earlier version.