Use IssueSecurity

Use IssueSecurity

Precursor Steps

In order to use issue security, a JIRA administrator must have already created an Issue Security Scheme, and the user created/editing the issue must have the Set Issue Security project permission in order to select it. Verifying all this has been done is best achieved through the web-ui.

Create Issue: Default state

With no scheme created or associated with a project, the issue created screen looks like:

Create an Example Security Scheme:

Create a security scheme, with roles:

Project Issue Security

Once the scheme is created, it needs to be associated with a project:







Project Permissions

By default nobody has the Set Issue Security permission:

Associate some roles with the permission:

Created Issue: Correctly Configured

Now, the create issue allows selection of the issue security level. As a foot note, this configuration also allows JEMH to drive issue creation with appropriate issue security.


The created issue shows the appropriate security level:

JEMH Configuration

JEMH Provides two mechanisms to IssueSecurity:

Default setting of a security level on creation

This setting is global, per profile (see Profile > Security > Issue Security) and allows secure issue creation (e.g. for a helpdesk solution, or just because).

Editing the value

After saving

As the value entered is just the name of the security role, it could be applicable to more than one security scheme. At this point, an email could relate to any project and any security scheme. The configuration clearly shows the expected scheme, and for good measure, the number of projects affected.

Simple Mail

The sequence of a Test Cases creation, execution result and final issue are shown below. Note the content of the email has no special directives, and that the execution results show that the Basic Field Processor was used (Other field processors require Directives to be enabled).

TestCase email

TestCase execution result

Created Issue

TestCase email

TestCase execution result

Created Issue




Using Directives

JEMH Directives allow specific attributes to be defined or overriding a default value. With Directives enabled, many things are possible, for security levels to be supported through Directives, the following JEMH Configuration is required:

  • JEMH Directives need to be enabled (at least On Create, but shown here as Create or Comment)

  • A JEMH Field Processor needs to be enabled, for example the At (@) Prefix Field Processor

Once configured, a slightly modified TestCase can now set (or change) the security level of the created issue. Note that the TestCase execution results show the AtPrefixedFieldProcessor as the one being active and that the final created issue has a security level of 'Reporter and Assignee' not the configured default of 'Reporter And Administrators'

TestCase email

TestCase execution result

Created Issue

TestCase email

TestCase execution result

Created Issue




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