Use JEMH For JSM Notifications

Use JEMH For JSM Notifications

This section is for Jira Service Management (JSM) - Originally known as Jira Service Desk (JSD)


This sections explains how JEMH can send default JSM style notifications to customers. These Service Management notifications can be sent to a customer, request participant, organization member, or a reporter if selected.

To begin, you must first have the JEMH Event Listener enabled and set up to send Notifications instead of (or alongside) Jira notifications.

How To Set Up Customer Notifications?

To allow these notifications, go to JEMH > Notifications and edit your Jira notifications project mapping. The ‘Use Customer Notification Templates’ checkbox allows separate Service Management notifications to be sent to customers. Jira Users that are not customers will still receive the Jira style notifications.


Below shows the new templates option for customers:


After saving the changes, customers will receive Default JSM notifications.

Creating custom Templates

To create new Customer Templates, go to JEMH > Template Sets > Templates. From here, there will be an option to create a new Template, which you can select a Theme for. If you select JSM, you will have the option to choose from the 3 default event types (These are Issue Create, Issue Comment and Generic Event for Issue Resolved/Closed/etc).




To create JSM Notifications with an issue event different to the defaults listed above, create a default issue of any type, then edit the new Template Set. By editing, you will have the option to select any Issue Event that the Template will trigger from.

The template content will stay the same, but the event that triggers this notification will be different.

Why only 3 Defaults?

Jira Service Management uses less notifications for customers, meaning it doesn’t notify the customer upon certain events, such as changing an Assignee, or editing a comment. Customers currently get notified when an Issue is created, when there is a comment, or if the Workflow status is changed (Such as Resolving an issue).

The reporter will get Service Management notifications, along with any Request Participants or Organisation Members.

For both Request Participants and Organization members, inside JEMH > Notifications, edit project mapping, there will be ‘Service Management Options’ that must be turned on to allow these customers to receive notifications.

Notifying Organization members

In order for Organization members you will need to ensure that you have a ‘Privileged User’ set within JEMH > Notifications > Issue Events > Privileged User and you would need to ensure that each Organization member has selected “Get notifications” on the particular issue, if a member has not selected this then it will mean they will not get notified.

To enable “Get notifications” the Organization member will need to access the particular issue within the Customer Portal and will then need to press Get Notifications. As shown below:


Customising your Template Notification

Inside the edit of your Template Set, there is the option to edit the Subject, Text, or HTML of the event-specific notification. The Text part will appear if notifications are being sent as Text/Plain, whilst the HTML notification will be sent out if the notification should send HTML. This allows customisation for both types.

To see what sort of variables can be obtained to render into your notification templates, see the following page: Customising JSM Email Templates

Applying Custom Templates

To use these notifications, they first need to be applied in the Jira Project Mapping. On the event selected, change the Default template to the Template desired. This will change your notification for the specific customers (JSM) or Jira users when that event fires.

Using JSM Notifications without Service Management Installed

Without Service Management installed, the notifications will be unable to show the following details:

  • ‘View Request’ Issue Link .

  • ‘Turn off Notifications’ Issue Link.

  • List of Recipients the notification is shared with.

To continue using JSM notifications without having Service Management installed, the following code must be removed from the templates HTML:

<p> <a class="jsd-issue-link" href="$jemhUtils.getJsdApi().getJsdIssueLink($issue, $recipientUser)"> View request </a> <span class="jsd-link-separator">&middot;</span> <a class="jsd-unsubscribe-link" href="$jemhUtils.getJsdApi().getUnsubscribeCustomerNotificationUri($recipientUser,$issue)"> Turn off this request's notifications </a> </p> #parse("templates/com/javahollic/jira/jemh/email/theme/html/jsdsharedwith.vm")


And the following must be removed from the templates Text/Plain method:

·View request ($jemhUtils.getJsdApi().getJsdIssueLink($issue, $recipientUser)) ·Turn off this request's notifications ($jemhUtils.getJsdApi().getUnsubscribeCustomerNotificationUri($recipientUser,$issue)) #parse("templates/com/javahollic/jira/jemh/email/theme/text/jsdsharedwith.vm")


By using Jira, it is possible to replace the Portal Issue link for JSM with the Issue link for Jira.

Don’t want certain Notifications?

If not all templates are wanted, or even not all the Default JSM notifications, leaving the template selection blank in the project mapping will cause no notification to be sent.

Custom CSS on Template

To add custom CSS, view the following Wiki Link: https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JEMH/pages/edit-v2/1210384430

Why Notifications are not sending to a specific customer

Within the JSM Portal, Customers are able to turn off notifications for specific issues. When they do this it will mean that JEMH will not send any notifications to that user no matter the Field that the Customer is found within (e.g. Reporter, Request Participants etc).

To resolve this issue the Customer would have to access the specific issue within the JSM Portal and select Get notifications. As seen below: